
Book Launch

Well, tomorrow evening sees the launch of the Manga Shakespeare books and the SelfMadeHero ident. Should be a good night if the snow allows everyone to get there! So, prepare to be able to buy Hamlet and Sonia Leong's Romeo and Juliet very soon!

Manga Shakespeare in Neo #30 & other updates

First off - Neo magazine have covered the release of the Shakespeare Manga books! What a wonderful article on the project! Far bigger and better than I expected. Check out the mag for the full story, but some scans have been added to my resume page if you're too impatient to wait ^_~ The book launch is next week, so I'll be getting all dolled up...may even wear a dress :b Also, I was amazingly happy to see my image of Ophelia gain a Daily Deviation award at Deviant Art . Thank you to every one who took a look at the pic! The image may well be available as a limited edition print soon from Selfmadehero, so eyes peeled! Lastly, keen eyes will have noticed a new link in the top bar *points*. Events and photos is alive! A nice, handy place for me to record some of my adventures ^_^. Though I cannot list all events, I wanted to show some fun photos. The problem is that I never really have many, as I'm always too busy to have a camera to hand ;_; So if you have any photos you think should be in there for prosterity, send them along! What a long update! And no images either....shocking ;_; My humble apologies. I'll sort that soon!

On the BBC.

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire ran a feature on Manga in the UK and, primarily, on the Shakespeare manga project that I and Sonia Leong have been working on. find a condensed version of the feature, and an audio clip of the interview HERE. ^_^

A new Dragon Heir image

Shock horror! thumbnail of 'Protection controlled' For the full thing, check the Dragon heir gallery. In other news, I'm busy beavering away. The first batch of Grapevine pages are well underway, and I've even tried getting a bit of Dragon Heir #6 done! Hence the image. Yesterday, Sonia Leong and I were interviewed for BBC radio Cambridge in connection with Manga Shakespeare - which was fun. Keep an ear out for that! ^_^

Merry Christmas!!!

I can't believe it's that time seems to have come round so fast this year. This is just a shout out to wish one and all a very merry Christmas. Happy face-stuffing! ^_^ EDIT- no more Xmas piccie for you! It's done, new year now! hehehe....removed. ^_^

Current project

I am happy to be able to confirm that I am working with Grapevine Entertainment on what promises to be an exciting project, codenamed London Manga. There are no details to release yet as we are in the early concept stages, but to find out more about Grapevine, do click the banner and check out their website. ^_^

Cyberspace HeroCard images added to Professional gallery

Yes, I have finally got around to uploading a selection of the images I created for the game Cyberspace. As soon as my image hoster catches up, they'll be available for viewing! This was a really fun project that I worked on, together with fellow artists Sonia Leong, Selina Dean and Aleister Kelman. I was responsible for the Cryptomancer's design and created a set of the cards, 6 of which can now be seen in the Professional Gallery.

New stuff and Hamlet now available at Amazon!

Click here to be whisked to Hamlet's page on It's very nice to finally see the book listed, after all this work! Remember, Romeo + Juliet is also available on pre-order. ^_^ As for the new stuff, well, shockingly I've added an image to the professional gallery, and shall be looking to update the resume in the next few days. I've been so busy I just haven't had time to update anything properly for a while - sorry! Events have finally slowed down though, and deadlines are starting to I'll be able to knuckle down a bit soon - maybe even draw some personal projects! 0_o For now, if you'd like to see more of him, head to the professional gallery! ^_^