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New look!

With thanks as ever to Fehed Said, my website has itself a new banner! I think this one sums me up a little better these days. ^_^ (He has a new indiegogo campaign running, btw - well worth a look if you're a writer or a reader. ) With a new banner, I HAD to make a new post!
So what's new with me? Gawd, so much I'd love to say more about! One particularly exciting job will come to light in the next few weeks. It's not anything to do with book publishing...or even Richard III...so I'll leave you with that for now. But yes, very soon, I'll be able to spill the beans. ^_^
Here's one I CAN tell you about. I've seen the lettered pages for the Avalon Chronicles #2 and it's lovely! I'm so excited about it coming out, and I hope you are too. You can pre-order the book RIGHT NOW! I do recommend you let your local shops know you want it to be sure it's in stock on release.
Meanwhile, there's a short pause in Shadow Kiss inks while I wait for notes, but I'm over half way now!
And if you click the banner of ink previews, you'll see that some French Vampire Academy fans have been super sleuths! Yep - looks like a French edition of the GNs is on its way in June! Passionnant!
Okay, that'll do for now. Look out soon for a list of my convention appearances this year. It's going to be a busy one!

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