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Overdue update

Apologies for the delay. All has been manic in Emma-land; not to mention I've been unable to type much or draw recently due to injury *sob* However, life goes on - and the Manga Shakespeare publicity train certainly does! Despite being house-ridden last week, I was not to get lonely, as I had a lovely crew from TV Tokyo join me one day for a chat about manga in the UK and what i've been up to! It was an honour to be able to chat with them and I look forward to seeing the result (though I fear how stupid I may have looked! ;_;) Myself and Sonia also caught up again with BBC radio Cambs regarding the UK's fastest growing obsession. ^_^ So, I am keeping busy where I can, with the limitations of my poor right arm. All well-wishing is gooood and much-appreciated! Take care all!

Reader Comments (2)

Hi Emma

I hope all is well!!! Got a bit of a problem, i can't seem to book for this years Amecon apparently all of the emails aren't working... could you help?


March 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Brodie's Law

hey hon! Feel free to drop me a mail or call :)

March 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Vieceli
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