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Busy month ahoy!

Hello all! I'm running in and out of here to let you know of a few events over the next month where you will find me skuttling around! Bristol Comic Expo 12th/13th May <---Catch me at the Sweatdrop stand or signing Hamlet at the SelfMadeHero stand in the manga area. Guerilla Zoo 19th May <---A funky little bohemian stylee exhibition in Elephant and Castle, London. Catch myself and fellow Uk manga ka Paul Duffield there. London MCM Expo 26th/27th May<---Oh yes, it's back again! Don't miss out on the UK's largest movies, comics and media event! I'll be there ^_^ Apologies for the continuing downtime of the galleries...we are attempting to regain normality, but Deviantart is there in the meantime.

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