NYCC - where to find me.

Okay, I'm not actually attending NYCC officially - buuuuut, it seems I can't totally avoid work ;)
(I jest - I love it)
So, I said I wanted to limit any signing to Saturday and here's where you can find me that day:
10 - 11am (the dawn shift - haha)- Abrams with Sonia Leong
4 - 5pm Image
Other than that, I'll be wandering the floors and generally going 'ooooh, aaaaaah' a lot. I'll no doubt hover around Tokyopop for a a germ. LOL.
If you spot me, please do come and say hi. And if anyone's after some sketches, then I'll be happy to provide if you can catch me at a point where I'm sitting down. Probably best when I'm at the CNI stand as the guys are letting me sit and chill there - yay!
Right - plane allowing, see you on the other side! ^_^

Reader Comments (3)
i'm really glad for you and i'm sure you will have lot of succes!!
i've read amlet...i would like you to say congratulations again...i would have lot of questions but i can guess you are busy so, no matter!
in bocca al lupo!! (i know you are a bit italian, i hope you remind the correct answer!!)
all the best
I really hope to see you there!!!
Well I can see from your Facebook pics that you had a blast over there! Good to see that all is going well.