Marvel: Girl Comics #3

Recently I was lucky enough to do my first gig for the mighty, mighty Marvel...and it seems the solicitations are out!
I don't think it's humanly possible to tell you how excited I am to be in there alongside such amazing creators. (COLLEEN COOVER, KELLY SUE DECONNICK, ABBY DENSON, LEA HERNANDEZ, MARJORIE LIU, ANN NOCENTI, CARLA SPEED MCNEIL, MOLLY CRABAPPLE), and to see a Jo Chen cover on there made me need to lie down. I LOVE Jo Chen's work, so to know that she's done a cover for a comic I'm a small part of made me melt! I drew a small and highly amusing story written by Abby Denson and will have Emily Warren joining me on colours - both are stupidly talented and I'm honoured to have had the chance to work with them. ^_^ I hope you get a chance to pick it up!