Entries in deviantart (1)


The decade that I learned to draw XD

Last night I took some time doing a DeviantArt meme that's been doing the rounds. The results scared and amused me! I started drawing late by today's standards. In fact, I was in my 20's by the time I started wanting to make comics at all, despite having had stories leaping around my mind since much earlier. As a result I was a late bloomer, and boy does it show! '^_^
What amazed me especially was not even how awful my drawings were back in 2003, but just how much younger artists are now. I can honestly say that I've seen 14 year old kids drawing more competently than I was when I was 23! Now, I may be a late starter, but I also think that we perhaps have a much more supportive arts culture these days. A world of DeviantArt, Sweatdrop, SheezyArt and the rest has really given opportunities to artists to improve, learn and display. We have a small but growing graphic novel and comics industry that's more accessable than ever before and that offers promise of work to those that earn it. It all adds up to a world where the young and talented are encouraged to work hard and be rewarded;  And huzzah for it!

Okay, okay, I'll share the pain:
~ 2003 - 2009 in illustration. The painful yet amusing meme in question.
~ A comparison of the first ever page of Dragon Heir with a page from issue #9.

Quick, Quick, let's post something NEW!!! Forget all that you just saw!