Woah, is that the time?

Lovely Paul Cornell has started up his 12 days of Christmas and prolific Morag Lewis is working on her visual advent calender; both annual events that hammer home to me that Christmas really is nearly here! Oh my goodness where was it hiding?
For me and the Vampire Academy crew, Christmas came a little early when we learned that the Vampire Academy graphic novel had won the GoodReads graphic novel and comic prize for 2011! We were overjoyed, so thank you so much to anyone who voted for us. To be up there amongst such incredible titles was an honour. To win was just...well, thank you! ^_^ Click the frostbite preview banner to see the full category and where VA sits in it; it's keeping some amazing company there!
It certainly gives us yet more enthusiasm as we dive into Shadowkiss! You guys rock *hug*
I have been all over the place recently. Convention season really knocked me for six, but I met some amazing people. Massive thanks and hellos to everyone I met in Malta comic con and Komix in Melksham. I've been looked after so well - thank you! ^_^
Now, I'm back to working hard on Avalon 2 and, soon, shadowkiss. You may see more of the chappie in the banner appearing over time, as my wind-down sketches have been largely featuring him recently. I won't dive into who he is exactly just yet, but he's a character I'm certainly hoping to do more with at some point. Yes, another one. I have a stable out back...but I keep them all well fed until their moment to shine, honest! '^_^