Entries in wonder woman (1)


Rare update...

This site is still alive! ^_^ Here's what's been going on over here:
It is with no small amount of joy that I can talk about this! I'll be guesting on issues 7-9 for IDW's Jem & the Holograms; as brought to new, amazing life by Kelly Thompson and Sophie Campbell. I'm a longtime Jem fan and love the new take on the series; so to be asked on board was ridiculously exciting ^_^
Also exciting was the opportunity to draw Wonder Woman. I mean, seriously...what an honour! Working on a script by Barbara Kesel; look out for sensation comics issue 13 ^_^
And my inner fangirl was reeling something crazy at being able to work with Square Enix on the community side of the incredible Life is Strange, by dontnod games. We've been making a series of promotional images relating to them game. It's an amazing game, and I've been a square fan for EVER, so it's been so exciting working with them ^_^
Last up, BREAKS is ever-growing. I'm up to 50 patrons on my patreon account now, which is just fantastic and means so much. Do please pop over and pledge if you're enjoying the comic by Malin Ryden and myself. Page 80 got uploaded this week!