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Well...feeling more alive!

Wooot - I'm finally feeling like a human again and so have turned my attention to this site today. ^_^

I've added some pretty images into the gallery and a little bit of a resume. *blush*

There are several projects I wish I could post up, but alas, I have to be patient on them. The big news though (that I didn't get to wax lyrical over because of my illness) was the fact that I was chosen as one of the UK winners of the Tokyopop RSOM competition! Check here for the complete list. Huge congrats to Sonia Leong as well - another Sweatdrop member. Woot! I couldn't be more chuffed!! The thought got me through my illness a lot in fact. I aim to use my winning status and pitch an idea to them very soon - wish me luck!^_^

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