Entries in events (3)


Convention Season - and then some!

I remember a time when I'd attend maybe two or three conventions a year. But, these days we are spoiled here in the UK for geeky gatherings, don't you think? Here are my guest appearances over the next couple of months and, as you'll see, it's a little packed in! If you spy me at an event, prepare the coffee. ^_~ Be sure to say hi!

April 14th/15th - Alt.fiction- Leicester

April 21st - Comica - London

May 5th - Cambridge Union Japanese Art exhibition - Cambridge

May 12th - Camcon - Cambridge

May 19th/20th - Kapow - London

May 25th/26th/27th - MCM Expo - London

June 1st/2nd - 2D Festival - Derry, Ireland.

Some of these events I'll have a table at, some I'll be with Sweatdrop (my comic posse) and some I'll just be speaking or signing at, but whatever my capacity I'll be happy to say hi! I just hope I manage some sleep, haha. If I do happen to look like a zombie, be kind! At most events, I'll have copies of my brand new Oni Press book, Once in a blue moon: the Avalon Chronicles 1 available, and should even have some Frostbite by the later events! ^__^ Happy con season, guys!




Events updates ^_^

Finally an update from me! I completed the inks on Frostbite last week and it's a good feeling! The book is going to look amazing, I can't wait ^_^ It seems like Vampire Academy #1 was only just out and rocking the NYT best sellers list and already we're looking ahead to the third book in the series. Time is flying by!
A big thank you again to the wonderful readers who've been sending messages, reviews and comments for the first book. You're all amazing ^_^ Frostbite will be released in April 2012 and you can already pre-order it on Amazon!
So, where am I now? Well, as well as Frostbite's release, next year will also see the release of the first book in the Avalon Chronicles from Oni Press!
That's in March, so what a busy couple of months that will be! (I have recently received a script draft from Nunzio and Christina for book two and it's very exciting!)
In just a week's time HatTrick and channel 4 are finally revealing the very exciting enhanced comic project,The Thrill Electric, written by Leah Moore and John Reppion and drawn by Windflower Studio. I was the designer for the project and it's been amazing watching it all come together! So that's a project to look out for in the very near future.
I'll also be embarking on a few adventures in the next couple of months and hope to see people at some of the following events:
London MCM Expo - 28/30 October, London
Signing at Travelling Man, Manchester - 12th November
Doki Doki Japanese Festival - 13th November, Manchester
Thought Bubble - 19/20 November, Leeds
Malta Comic Con - 26/27 November, Malta
Signing Party at Komix! - 10th December, Wiltshire (With Paul Duffield & Kate Brown)

Phew! So, hope to see you soon, guys. Don't be shy. If you're at one of these events, do come and say hi!


Where am I?....

How many of you remember the TV programme Knightmare? eh? eh? haha.So, with con season seemingly winding to a close, I've taken a moment to look at the events coming up for me for the rest of the year and thought I'd share the Vieceli-trail with you.

Sept 3rd-5th - Electric Picnic - Dublin. <---this looks SO fun! The non-music stages are still being finalised, but I'll be there. More details closer to the time.
Sept 18th-19th - Paris Manga
<---yay, Paris! Can't wait to see my first French event. ^_^
Oct 8th-10th - New York Comic Con
<---you betcha I'm headed back there! Had a great time last year.
Oct 29-31 London MCM Expo
<---as always ^_~
Nov 20th - Thought Bubble
- Leeds <---Always a fun show! Can't wait.

I'll be missing the fabulous San Diego comic con next week, but do keep an eye and ear out, as two of my current projects will be getting announced, huzzah! Maybe keep your ear close to the Oni press and Penguin books booths *wink wink nudge nudge* I'll be able to reveal all after the show. ^_^

So, I hope to see you at some of the above events. Happy comicking, reading, geeking and whatever else you'll be doing on the convention trail! As for me? I'd better do some drawing....eeeek!