Entries in webcomic (44)


Bristol and Dragon Heir and Eagles, oh my!

Woo - this weekend was the Bristol Comic Expo. I was going along without a table, more to relax and enjoy the show - and enjoy it I did! I had a great time with great friends and some new faces too. I can't begin to list everyone I spoke to, but you know who you are and you're all fab! *hug* Missed some of my regular buds who weren't in attendence, but I got to talk to some creators I've always meant to, so it balanced out. ^_^

When I got back I found out that the Eagle Award nominations are up for this year, and Dragon Heir has been nominated for Favourite British Black and White comic book!!!!! ZOMG! There are some great creators nominated and I'm chuffed to be up there with them. If you're a Dragon Heir reader who wants to help it become an award winner, the link for voting is here! Click and get involved with choosing your comic heroes, whether Dragon Heir or otherwise. I'm thrilled; thank you to those who nominated Dragon Heir to get it to this stage!
And talking of Dragon Heir - I suppose we should throw up episode 33, eh? :)


Dragon Heir - Chapter 32

Ciao a tutti! I'm uploading this chapter from my Mother's laptop in Italy! (thank you dropbox!).

So begins issue 8, originally printed in 2009. This issue was the first thing I did after finishing my work on Much Ado About Nothing, so it benefits from what I learned during that project. I hope you enjoy it! ^_^


Dragon Heir - chapter #31

We're at the end of issue 7- Next week issue 8 starts up, weeee! Enjoy this chapter as the calm before the storm starts to fade...



Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #30

Happy Bank Holiday Monday to those of you lucky enough to enjoy it ^_^
Issue 7 of Dragon Heir, as originally seen in 2007, continues here! Enjoy the calm before the storm...


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #29

Hey-ho. Dragon Heir readers! Continuing our web-broadcast of issue 7...


Dragon Heir - chapter 28

Dragon Heir online continues with the start of issue 7, once again shown here as it was originally printed.
As always, click the image to start reading, enjoy and let me know your thoughts ^_^

I do apologise for this blog being pretty much JUST Dragon Heir updates at the moment. I'm working hard on my professional projects, but - the eternal woe - I still can't talk about what they are. *tears out hair*, haha! The Oni project is building up nicely, and I can say that all going well, we'll be announcing more about it around SanDiego comic con time. So cross your fingers for that!

In the meantime, Dragon Heir will continue to entertain you for free each week. Enjoy!


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #27

Dragon Heir continues with this, the last part of what was originally issue 6, back in 2006. So next week we'll be moving onto pages from issue 7! Enjoy the read and see you next week. ^_^


Comments: Dragon Heir - chapter #26

Dragon Heir continues...Simple and sweet journal entry this time around as I'm busy eating chocolate for Easter - hope you're having a good one!

Click Here To Read The Chapter ^_^