Entries in webcomic (44)


Last full week of the kickstarter ^_^

The kickstarter is currently £90 away from its first stretch goal and that is thanks to the amazing people pledging and sharing! Heroes! We are now in the last full week of the campaign so this is the time to leap! I'm only printing 500 of these special editions, and they won't be available in shops or online after the kickstarter ends...so if you want to bag a copy, as well as some special items like original commissions on the higher tiers, then don't miss out. Do jump on board while the campaign is running! Thank you so much! ^_^


Updates from me ^_^

Let's start with the news that OLIVIA TWIST is now collected a released from Dark Horse as a shiny graphic novel, available wherever they're sold. :)
Closely followed by the news that the LIFE IS STRANGE collected edition is also due for release this week, and - hot on its heels - issue #5 continues the story. Claudia Leonardi (my amazing artist) and I will be in Forbidden Planet in London for a signing of my exclusive variant cover on that issue on June 1st. Click banner for info.^_^
Last up - it's not an update from me without a mention of BREAKS. I'm pulling together pages for the second volume of Malin Ryden and my story - along with a very special edition that will be available on kickstarter only - more news on that soon! ^_^


It's one of Emma's totally rare blog updates! ^_^

Because, yes, announcements have happened and I can start talking about some fun stuff - weeee! As ever, click the banners for more info. I'm actually mixing up my comicking a bit this year because I'll be donning my pure writing hat as well, but let's start with:
OLIVIA TWIST: I'm on art duties for this one, with colours by Lee Loughridge, and getting to work with the incredible Karen Berger as my editor!
LIFE IS STRANGE: I'm writing the official comic for this truly magnificent series and I can't quite believe it still! The news broke at SDCC and the response has been heartwarming and wonderful. ^_^ The banner here is from the cover by amazing interior artist, Claudia Leonardi. I'm excited to be writing for her!
2000AD: Back to art, and I recently drew and Anderson story for the summer special, written by Maura McHugh, colours by Barbara Nosenzo.
BREAKS: No update is complete without a reminder that Malin Ryden and my angst-filled mystery love story is still continuing ^_^
?????: and finally...a mystery! Still to be announced, all i can tell you about this mystery image right now is that I'm on art duty and it's not a comic! oho! The colours you see here were by Dylan Teague. More on this soon :)
And that's it for now! Please do follow me on twitter (@emmavieceli) or at my facebook page for more regular updates, if you want 'em. Otherwise, see you back here in about six months? ;)


Well, that's a little embarrassing '^_^

I finally left my site for so long that it gave up and shut down, haha! If there was ever a good prompt to make a post, eh? Here we go ^_^
So - After my last post, featuring Jem, Supergirl and Doctor Who as three of my lifetime exciting things to be working on, I followed them up by returning to IDW for a 6 part series on Back to the Future!
Coloured by Jose Luis Rio and written by John Barber and Bob Gale, this was such a treat to work on and the trade paperback has just been released! (click the banners above)
Rocked like so many by the tragic news of the Pulse shooting in Orlando, I was eager to contribute to the Love is Love benefit anthology (above). Written by my Avalon cohorts, Nunzio DeFilippis & Christina Weir, and coloured by the wonderful Christina Strain.
And, of course - maybe the most exciting news in a way is that Soaring Penguin agreed to publish the print edition of BREAKS, mine and Malin Ryden's creator-owned comic-baby!
Available for pre-order on the publisher's site now, we are so excited to get this baby out into the world of printed comics! And Christina Strain is so awesome she even coloured our cover! x ^_^


Two years of webcomic from Malin Ryden and me - with love to you.


BREAKing out!

One of my favourite things about the title Malin and I chose for our series is how punnable it is. :D
The lovely Steven Morris got in touch with us a little while ago to ask some questions, and the story is now up at ComicBookResources. Pretty cool, eh? Spot the little 'Latest Articles' section where Cortland is sat right next to the article about Moon Knight, by friends Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire. It's great to see our creations hanging out together ^_^
Meanwhile, I'm still working away on BREAKS pages. The printed prologue will be out in April (weeee!) and you can of course continue reading the whole thing for free over at the website (linked in the image above).
As you may know, Malin and I are working on this series independently of any publisher, which means my drawing time is all unpaid and done for love alone. That said, if you do want to show your appreciation in some way, or feel you'd like to contribute to the series, then I set up a PATREON page for myself over here. ^_^


Breaks webcomic

Malin and I have been working hard, and the website is up and running for the upcoming BREAKS web edition. The image below will take you right there. We'll be adding pages very soon now, weee!



More news to come today, but for now - let's dive into the dramatic end for the Dragon Heir webcomic version. Keep an eye out for the graphic novel release in October from Sweatdrop Studios!


I hope you've enjoyed this web version! Spiratu looks forward to welcoming you back again when the story continues....
Keep an eye out here for some exciting announcements coming soon!