Entries in emma vieceli (6)


Last full week of the kickstarter ^_^

The kickstarter is currently £90 away from its first stretch goal and that is thanks to the amazing people pledging and sharing! Heroes! We are now in the last full week of the campaign so this is the time to leap! I'm only printing 500 of these special editions, and they won't be available in shops or online after the kickstarter ends...so if you want to bag a copy, as well as some special items like original commissions on the higher tiers, then don't miss out. Do jump on board while the campaign is running! Thank you so much! ^_^


Updates from me ^_^

Let's start with the news that OLIVIA TWIST is now collected a released from Dark Horse as a shiny graphic novel, available wherever they're sold. :)
Closely followed by the news that the LIFE IS STRANGE collected edition is also due for release this week, and - hot on its heels - issue #5 continues the story. Claudia Leonardi (my amazing artist) and I will be in Forbidden Planet in London for a signing of my exclusive variant cover on that issue on June 1st. Click banner for info.^_^
Last up - it's not an update from me without a mention of BREAKS. I'm pulling together pages for the second volume of Malin Ryden and my story - along with a very special edition that will be available on kickstarter only - more news on that soon! ^_^


It's one of Emma's totally rare blog updates! ^_^

Because, yes, announcements have happened and I can start talking about some fun stuff - weeee! As ever, click the banners for more info. I'm actually mixing up my comicking a bit this year because I'll be donning my pure writing hat as well, but let's start with:
OLIVIA TWIST: I'm on art duties for this one, with colours by Lee Loughridge, and getting to work with the incredible Karen Berger as my editor!
LIFE IS STRANGE: I'm writing the official comic for this truly magnificent series and I can't quite believe it still! The news broke at SDCC and the response has been heartwarming and wonderful. ^_^ The banner here is from the cover by amazing interior artist, Claudia Leonardi. I'm excited to be writing for her!
2000AD: Back to art, and I recently drew and Anderson story for the summer special, written by Maura McHugh, colours by Barbara Nosenzo.
BREAKS: No update is complete without a reminder that Malin Ryden and my angst-filled mystery love story is still continuing ^_^
?????: and finally...a mystery! Still to be announced, all i can tell you about this mystery image right now is that I'm on art duty and it's not a comic! oho! The colours you see here were by Dylan Teague. More on this soon :)
And that's it for now! Please do follow me on twitter (@emmavieceli) or at my facebook page for more regular updates, if you want 'em. Otherwise, see you back here in about six months? ;)


Oh hai!

I hope you all had a wonderful festive season. ^_^
BREAKS hit 52 pages recently, meaning - at a page a week - it's a year old! If you're not reading yet, now's a great time to catch up! Written by Malin Ryden and myself, pages by meeee :) And if you want to support my work, do pop along to my Patreon page!
In other exciting news, I worked on issue 12 of Dead Boy Detectives for Vertigo comics. Working over the layouts of none other but Mark Buckingham! It was a real treat. Lee Loughridge provided my lovely colours...he can't escape me recently, it seems!
This one's just a sneak of a tiny thing, but something that's made me very happy. I'm not drawing a comic, just providing an illustration, but if it goes through, it will be my first official connection to a character I've always adored. I wonder if you can guess who it is from this? ^_~


2014 is here.

It's a new year, best wishes to all! ^_^So - Shadow Kiss the Graphic Novel was release in the US and Australia last week, and did some fancy moves on the charts before stock shortages started to be reported. Hang on in there, guys! If you've not got your copy yet, keep at it. x Richelle Mead tells you why you need the book here ^_^

I'm still waiting on notes back from Walker, but as soon as they come in - I'm set to dive into 170 pages of action packed inks for Alex Rider: Scorpia.Last up,  I've been using the wait to finally get started on BREAKS; a new series written by myself and Malin Ryden about two young adults struggling to consolidate their pasts, deal with their present lives, and plan who the hell they expect to be in the future. It's an emotional drama romance with some strong language and grit thrown in. The current plan is to release a single issue prologue this year, and launch a webcomic with it. Exciting, no?! ^_^


London MCM Expo - fun was had ^_^

I had a great time at the expo, but boy do I need to get on with some work now! Check out my LJ link for a write-up of my weekend, I won't spam this place with it. What I will spam you with though is this photo, taken by the fabulous Svetlana Chmakova (who I already miss now she's gone back home!) of Tony Lee, Ben Templesmith, Dan Boultwood and myself on the Sunday. She's dubbed it 'the League of extraordinary Comickers'....it makes me LOL ^_^ Now, on with work!! ^__^