Entries in mMalin Ryden (1)


BREAKing out!

One of my favourite things about the title Malin and I chose for our series is how punnable it is. :D
The lovely Steven Morris got in touch with us a little while ago to ask some questions, and the story is now up at ComicBookResources. Pretty cool, eh? Spot the little 'Latest Articles' section where Cortland is sat right next to the article about Moon Knight, by friends Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire. It's great to see our creations hanging out together ^_^
Meanwhile, I'm still working away on BREAKS pages. The printed prologue will be out in April (weeee!) and you can of course continue reading the whole thing for free over at the website (linked in the image above).
As you may know, Malin and I are working on this series independently of any publisher, which means my drawing time is all unpaid and done for love alone. That said, if you do want to show your appreciation in some way, or feel you'd like to contribute to the series, then I set up a PATREON page for myself over here. ^_^