2020! ^_^

It's a new year and it's time for a roundup! I've gone all quiet, I know, but let's do this!First up, BREAKS! Malin and I are into arc three! Thanks to generous kickstarter backing, and my amazing patrons, we are now in the last arc of the story. The special edition was a success and Soaring Penguin are releasing the second volume very soon ^_^ We left our smackjeeves home, but we continue to update at Tapas!
A game I was on art duties for released from tinyrebel games! Written by Jac Rayner, the Silent Streets of Barry Island is available on steam and mobile.
Life is Strange got renewed for a whole new season thanks to titan and square enix! We're three collected books into the story so far, and Claudia Leonardi, Andrea Izzo, Jimmy Bettancourt and I are now working on issues 13 and beyond! It's been a real thrill getting to work as a writer when it's not for myself to draw, and I couldn't have asked for a better project or team to cut my teeth on. I even bagged myself a breakout writer award from Multiversity! ^_^
I've been guesting a bit here and there and keeping busy in amongst writing Life is Strange and co-writing and comicking on BREAKS; with covers like this one for Action Avengers, DIE for Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans and some IDW goodies...in fact I'm currently drawing a GI JOE issue for them, so more news on that when I have it.
2020 is hopefully a year mostly about getting BREAKS done and continuing season 2 of Life is Strange -with a few bits and bobs on the side. I feel very lucky to have an opportunity to give a little TLC to my creator owned projects whilst also getting to write a series I love. Thanks for sharing the adventure with me! ^_^