Entries in comics (6)


Juggling like a juggler ^_^

It's been a time of flux over this new year just gone, and there's a good reason I've not been able to update this workblog for a while: I've just not been able to talk about anything I'm working on 0_O Always a little frusrating, but it's nice to take the time to beaver away quietly.
So -what CAN I say? well, BREAKS is still weaving its way. We're half way through arc two online now (tapas edition linked here) and still going strong!
I got to take part in the amazing Xmas special for The Wicked + The Divine, drawing two stories, both coloured by the amazing Matt Wilson. *swoon*
Beyond that, I've done some cover work (like this Ghostbusters one for IDW, coloured by Luis Antonio Delgado), and then been mostly a comics ninja; lying in wait XD
I hate not being able to share work, but I'm juggling three jobs right now, on top of BREAKS, with more on the way and there's just never enough time in comics, eh? Hopefully I'll have a more useful update soon!


SDCC update!

The news is out and I can rave about it! As announced at San Diego Comic Con, writer George Mann and I are working on a brand new mini series for the Eighth Doctor. Yes, I'm working on a new Doctor Who adventure! And for my favourite Doctor! Squeeeeeee <3 Check out the gorgeous cover by Alice X. Zhang. *_*
Honestly, the reaction has been amazing, and I could have linked to any number of articles, but I've chosen the Comic Alliance piece by Steve Morris, as he's the wonderful guy who first talked BREAKS up to the world as well! But yes, there has been some amazing support and excitement, so thank you everyone who's been posting about it ^_^


New e-shop!

Yes, I have finally joined the 21st century. While you can of course order most of my work through bookshops and online generally, I wanted a spot to sell my more personal work, including the brand new BREAKS prologue, orders of which will be shipping out around May 22nd. But get your order in to reserve a copy!


New York Comic Con - Signing times

Next week I head to New York for the comic con - OMG! I can't wait to see friends and meet some new faces. Many thanks to the wonderful Jimmy Aquino and Ben Templesmith for letting me stay at their place. I love you guyssss.

So, while I'm at the show, I'll be putting in a little time as well. I don't have a table this year, but you can find me at the following places and times:

Oni Press Booth:
Friday - 3pm - 3:45 pm
Saturday - 3pm - 3:45pm
Sunday - 2pm - 2:45pm

Penguin Books booth:
Sunday 12:30 - 1:30

Comic News Insider booth (in the podcast area):
No set time yet, but I'll be around the booth a fair bit over the weekend, doing signings on Saturday and Sunday.

Do come and say hi! ^_^


Where am I?....

How many of you remember the TV programme Knightmare? eh? eh? haha.So, with con season seemingly winding to a close, I've taken a moment to look at the events coming up for me for the rest of the year and thought I'd share the Vieceli-trail with you.

Sept 3rd-5th - Electric Picnic - Dublin. <---this looks SO fun! The non-music stages are still being finalised, but I'll be there. More details closer to the time.
Sept 18th-19th - Paris Manga
<---yay, Paris! Can't wait to see my first French event. ^_^
Oct 8th-10th - New York Comic Con
<---you betcha I'm headed back there! Had a great time last year.
Oct 29-31 London MCM Expo
<---as always ^_~
Nov 20th - Thought Bubble
- Leeds <---Always a fun show! Can't wait.

I'll be missing the fabulous San Diego comic con next week, but do keep an eye and ear out, as two of my current projects will be getting announced, huzzah! Maybe keep your ear close to the Oni press and Penguin books booths *wink wink nudge nudge* I'll be able to reveal all after the show. ^_^

So, I hope to see you at some of the above events. Happy comicking, reading, geeking and whatever else you'll be doing on the convention trail! As for me? I'd better do some drawing....eeeek!


Leeds, here we come!

Wooot! I'm finishing up some work and then I pack and jump in the car with my trusty steed (umm, husband) to head to Thought Bubble! I'll be at my table, offering sketches, prints and a smile for most of the weekend. You can also find me in these places:

11:00 - 11:30 - SelfMadeHero signing
14:00 - 15:10 - Cosplay judging (with Sonia Leong and Yishan Li - should be a blast!)
16:00 - 16:30 - SelfMadeHero
18:30 - 19:30 - Women in Sequential Art (with Mel Gibson, Yishan li, Sarah Lightman and Nicola Streeten)

14:50 - 15:50 - Character Workshop at Leeds Library

Be sure to check out the rest of the amazing lineup as well - it's going to be a fantastic show! ^_^