Where am I?....

How many of you remember the TV programme Knightmare? eh? eh? haha.So, with con season seemingly winding to a close, I've taken a moment to look at the events coming up for me for the rest of the year and thought I'd share the Vieceli-trail with you.
Sept 3rd-5th - Electric Picnic - Dublin. <---this looks SO fun! The non-music stages are still being finalised, but I'll be there. More details closer to the time.
Sept 18th-19th - Paris Manga <---yay, Paris! Can't wait to see my first French event. ^_^
Oct 8th-10th - New York Comic Con <---you betcha I'm headed back there! Had a great time last year.
Oct 29-31 London MCM Expo <---as always ^_~
Nov 20th - Thought Bubble - Leeds <---Always a fun show! Can't wait.
I'll be missing the fabulous San Diego comic con next week, but do keep an eye and ear out, as two of my current projects will be getting announced, huzzah! Maybe keep your ear close to the Oni press and Penguin books booths *wink wink nudge nudge* I'll be able to reveal all after the show. ^_^
So, I hope to see you at some of the above events. Happy comicking, reading, geeking and whatever else you'll be doing on the convention trail! As for me? I'd better do some drawing....eeeek!
Reader Comments (1)
Looking forward to having you over Emma. Should be a blast. Should point out that EP is in County Laois, not Dublin. In case some locals get outraged at the capital being given props it don't deserve! Talk soon.