Dragon Heir - Chapter 40

Greetings! I've been all over the shop recently for workshops, and have met some fab students from Sunderland down to Milton Keynes. A big hello to them all!
So, where were we in Dragon Heir? Ah yes, our team are minus their Protective Spirit, and therefore their defenses (with Protus still captive in an inknown location), the Empathic Spirit is minus his abilities and stuck to a tree, the Fighting Spirit is trying hard not to let his Dragon Spirit take over, despite having just learned that Verance is possibly stronger than anyone he's ever fought before, and our Wise Spirit, mage and Spirit Binder? Well, let's head to them first, shall we?...

Reader Comments (3)
"If we survive this chapter..."
That has me wondering if there's some sort of meta-knowledge, or if Lyntra is just using a figure of speech. Does he know he's "fictional?" Does their cosmology contain a mystic book of the gods or fate to which he may be referring? Am I just too big a word-nerd?
I'm staying tuned for the next installing enthrallment.
hhaha, awesome comment! Sadly, no fourth-wall going on here. I think Lyntra has a strange ability to refer to life in Chapters because I can imagine his brain tranlasting their lives as being something of a story...he steps back from life a lot, for whatever reason. It's amazing that you picked up on such a throwaway comment! ^_^
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