Updating on stuffage ^_^

Soooooo....what's been going on in Emma-land? LOTS! I swear I'm getting worse at updating, sorry! '^_^I'm going to break this down into sections I think, far easier:
1. Vampire Academy: As you all know, book one is in the bag from my end. And I've now seen the colours too - so amazing!! I cannot wait for you to see it. The colourists have done a lovely job :) I now excitedly await the script for Frostbite! Release for book 1 is still looking to be August this year.
2. Avalon Chronicles: Book 1 is going to be done in the next week from my end, and the script for book 2 is imminent. I can't tell you how awesome Nunzio and Christina are, so I can't wait to read what they've done with our crazy brainstorming sessions! Release of the first book is looking to be a little later than planned due to marketing; we want to make sure the readers don't have to wait too long for the next book after #1 is out...so we're looking at March 2012. ^_^
3. Thrill Electric: I've been seeing some of windflower studio's work and, boy, this project is going to look beautiful, you guys!
4. The PHOENIX!!! Some of you will recall the amazing DFC weekly comic that was sadly cut short when the recession hit the UK. Well, a couple of days ago I went along to a DFC alumni party where it was announced to much celebration that next year will see the launch of the Phoenix comic. It's got a plan, it's got funding, and it's going to be amazing. Run by the DFC's Ben Sharpe and Will Fickling; this is going to be very exciting. No creators are contracted yet as it's still very early days, but you can bet you'll see some DFC favourites in there. I hope I get a chance to do something ^_^
5. Dragon Heir: Reborn in review: I've been overjoyed at the responses to Dragon Heir so far. And, since the first Diamond shipment hit shops, I'm getting reports of sightings all over the place, not to mention a couple of wonderful reviews from the lovely Forbidden Planet International and Nottingham's fantastic Page45 shop! Thanks, you guys! *hugs* If you've read the book, do let me know your thoughts!! x
6. Events: Upcoming events I'll be attending include - Bristol Comic Expo, London MCM Expo and the all-new and exciting Comic Launchpad event (a great looking new event with a really creative focus)