Dragon Heir: Reborn available to order through Diamond

My personal project, Dragon Heir (published by Sweatdrop studios) features in January's edition of Previews magazine! @mondocomico on twitter informs me that it's on page 310. (Previews product code for DH:R is "JAN111316") This is very exciting news as it means that the book can now be ordered from all good book shops, comic shops and such. So, if you've been keen to get hold of a copy but weren't sure about ordering online, this is your time!
Sweatdrop members are of course independent creators. What that means is that it's just little old me and my book. Being picked up by Diamond as an independent creator is a huge honour, but getting stock to retailers is the harder step. Spreading the word and ordering copies is something that everyone can help with. Help out an indie creator and demand that your local bookshops order in copies of Dragon Heir, because reading epic stories filled with pretty people, swords and angst is everyone's right! ^_^
I love yoooo!

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