Entries in Avalon Chronicles (18)


Already July!

So, a quick update from me! Those of you following my facebook or twitter accounts will know that I recently completed inks on Vampire Academy:Shadow Kiss. It's always a mixed feeling finishing up on a big book, and I got to draw so many amazing scenes in this one!
Now all I can do is wait to see how colours come in from Caravan Studio - which is always exciting. I really hope Penguin random House will be able to share the cover soon, as it's looking lovely^_^
So, Shadow Kiss done, I'll be diving back into pencils for Alex Rider: Scorpia. I think you're going to like this book, gang. I've also been working on an Avalon Chronicles-themed article that will open up a pretty cool competition. Why Avalon? Well,  Avalon #2 is out now! Just released last week :)
You'll meet this guy and a few more new characters in the second volume ^_^
In convention news, next up is the epic Edinburgh International Book Festival; featuring their first ever StrippedFest - focused on comics and graphic storytelling. I was pretty overwhelmed to hear that my own workshop actually sold out on the first day tickets went on sale (Thank you, people who booked!), but you'll find loads more comics-related goodness on offer, so get booking and I'll see you there!



Busy, busy, busy. Where to start? Okay, so today's task is to continue inking Shadow Kiss, book three in the Vampire Academy graphic novel series.
It's all moving along nicely now, but if you want to keep up with snippets and news on VA and my other projects, check out my shiny new facebook home, linked from the banner above. ^_^
Next up: I rather excitingly got some special advance copies of Avalon #2 through from the wonderful Oni Press yesterday! It's due for official release in July, but these special copies mean that I'm able to sell a limited number of the book at some upcoming conventions while stock lasts. It's super shiny and gorgeous~! =^_^= So, where can you find me to get an early copy?
First up is the MCM in London, in just a couple of weeks. I always have a blast at this show. ^_^
And hot on Expo's tail is the fabulous 2D in Derry. Such a friendly show and I can't wait to get back there again. Also in that banner is mention of the brand new Lakes festival in Kendal! I mention it because news has just been released, and I'm excited about being part of the curated Comics Clocktower in this new and awesome-sounding event.
Last, but not least, I was a good half-way through penciling Alex Rider: Scorpia at the point when I switched back to finish up on Shadow Kiss, and I can't wait to share this new chapter in Alex's comic-life with you all. I've been blown away by Anthony Horowitz's response to my new designs and Antony Johnston's script is a great adaptation! I'll be back to Alex when inks on Shadow Kiss are done. ^_^
Blimey. I think my poor brain needs a spring-clean ^_~


New look!

With thanks as ever to Fehed Said, my website has itself a new banner! I think this one sums me up a little better these days. ^_^ (He has a new indiegogo campaign running, btw - well worth a look if you're a writer or a reader. ) With a new banner, I HAD to make a new post!
So what's new with me? Gawd, so much I'd love to say more about! One particularly exciting job will come to light in the next few weeks. It's not anything to do with book publishing...or even Richard III...so I'll leave you with that for now. But yes, very soon, I'll be able to spill the beans. ^_^
Here's one I CAN tell you about. I've seen the lettered pages for the Avalon Chronicles #2 and it's lovely! I'm so excited about it coming out, and I hope you are too. You can pre-order the book RIGHT NOW! I do recommend you let your local shops know you want it to be sure it's in stock on release.
Meanwhile, there's a short pause in Shadow Kiss inks while I wait for notes, but I'm over half way now!
And if you click the banner of ink previews, you'll see that some French Vampire Academy fans have been super sleuths! Yep - looks like a French edition of the GNs is on its way in June! Passionnant!
Okay, that'll do for now. Look out soon for a list of my convention appearances this year. It's going to be a busy one!


News for 2013

So much is going on and I've been so slow to update here! My tumblr and twitter accounts are much more up to date, at least ^_^
First up: Vampire Academy has seen its main three characters cast for the film version! Click the banner to be taken to my tumblr post on the subject. So exciting!
The Avalon Chronicles Volume 2 is now available for pre-order! Do let your local shops and libraries know the good news, and be sure to order yourself a copy. (Cover design is not final) Previews code: FEB131089 Banner leads to Amazon.com.
I have also received Antony Johnston's script for Alex Rider: Scorpia...and it's going to be an exciting book, blimey! I've made a start on character designs and will share them once we're all approved. ^_^


Avalon Chronicles Volume two: Art complete

Avalon Chronicles book two is fully arted! Pencilled and inked by me, with beautiful tones from Nana Li, and of course script from Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir (with additional story from me). I can’t wait to see it all lettered up!

Next stop: Vampire Academy - Shadowkiss!


Getting ready to switch projects again...

In the space of a couple of months I attended about ten comic events, phew! I met and spoke to so many lovely people and generally felt enthused about this wonderful industry I'm a part of. Of course, all those events meant that my work schedule hit the roof, haha. The price I pay for coming out of my cave ^_~Schedule-wise: I'm currently just two weeks away (if all goes to plan) from finishing my work on Avalon Chronicles part two for Oni Press - huzzah! I've had the amazing Nana Li helping me out on tones and the book is of course scripted by Nunzio DeFelippis and Christina Weir, about whom I can't say enough nice things.  Book one is out now (banner), available from pretty much anywhere. Book two won't be out for a little while, and book three's story is shaping up to be verry exciting, but I needed to get my role done for now so that I can move back into the world of Vampire Academy before I return to Avalon.Yes, Shadowkiss is going ahead, and the script from Leigh Dragoon should be reaching me very soon. (She'll be at SDCC, btw, so do go say hi!) Going by the mails and comments I've seen already, I know a fair few of you are looking forward to it, and I'm pretty excited about drawing it for you. Thank you for all the lovely comments and feedback re Frostbite, despite some of you having to wait longer than planned for your copy to arrive. I think the publisher was pretty overwhelmed at the orders, so thank you, thank you! xx Frostbite has now been reprinted and should be available ^_^It's always nice to squeeze in something a little different, and I was honoured to be asked by ThoughtBubble to contribute to this year's anthology. I was offered a page on which to do whatever I wanted (for a family showXD)...which was actually a bit overwhelming, haha. But I had some fun with it and I hope you guys like my contribution. Going by last year's production, this year's will be something I'll feel super proud to be a part of!

And lastly, I have finally joined the world of tumblr. I don't want to clutter up my work blog here with too much random stuff as it's mostly informative. So, if you're interested in seeing warm up/wind down sketches or want to generally share some inane internet banter that's longer than 140 characters (@emmavieceli), come find me at http://inkytasty.tumblr.com/


Frostbite release and the MCM

Gosh, I have so much to write about, including my time at Camcon and Kapow! But I'll have to do roundups after conseason madness.

Yes, it's time! Those of you in Australia and New Zealand - I hope you're enjoying your copies, we'll join you soon!

From what I'm hearing, there has been all sorts of a frenzy of confusion over at Penguin HQ in New York, with Frostbite copies actually selling out from the warehouse on pre-orders alone. You guys are all sorts of amazing *hug*

The book is currently being re-printed. As far as I know, if you pre-ordered a copy, you'll be getting yours on release, tomorrow. The rest of us, myself included, will have to wait for the reprint, haha! XD

I'll be at the MCM Expo event in London this Fri-Sunday. Alas, I'm not sure I'll have Frostbite copies with me to sell...but if you managed to get one, do feel free to bring it along and I'll scrawl something pretty on it :) What I will have is just 9 copies of a limited run A3 print featuring snippets of Frostbite.

After the show I'll be hopefully opening up online sales for posted copies of the print. Again, these will be limited, so if you want one reserved, let me know. ^_^ I'll post up the image when I'm back from the event.

I'll also have three new non-Vampire Academy prints at the event: The Mermaid, the Goggles and a limited Avalon Chronicles one! Not to mention the book of Avalon Chronicles itself - which is just gorgeous and shiny and gold! Plus some very funky postcards at just £2 each. So do come find me at the Sweatdrop area towards the back of the ComicVillage. Say hi and take a look at some shiny stock. ^_^


Books, books!

So, I came home from Italy (where I managed to catch up with family I really don't see enough) to find news online that Frostbite is out in the world! Some of the world :) Australia and New Zealand, you have the first sightings, it seems!

I'm already seeing some positive comments from readers and am just thrilled that you guys are enjoying the book. ^__^ If you're in the US, I'm afraid the release date will be on the 24th May, so just a little longer to wait, but the book is available for pre-order from all good stockists.

If you're in the UK, I am making efforts to have copies of the book at Kapow, MCM and 2D, but only in very limited supply, I'm afraid. I'll be at the Sweatdrop stand for MCM all weekend, and am signing at Kapow from 13:30 on the Sunday, following a panel on independent comics at 12:45. If you're attending one of those events and want to reserve a copy, drop me a line by email or over on twitter (@emmavieceli). Otherwise, the trusty internet will of course provide. How did we survive without online shopping, eh?

In other book news, Avalon Chronicles is also doing its thing and I'm so happy to see people enjoying it. I'm working on book two of the series right now, and hooo boy it's going to be fun! Some brilliant new characters and lots of surprises in store for our heroes ^_^ You should be able to get Avalon part one from all good bookshops, but you can of course also order it online or even pick it up on Comixology - where the panel-by-panel reading system works really well on portable platforms.