Getting ready to switch projects again...

In the space of a couple of months I attended about ten comic events, phew! I met and spoke to so many lovely people and generally felt enthused about this wonderful industry I'm a part of. Of course, all those events meant that my work schedule hit the roof, haha. The price I pay for coming out of my cave ^_~Schedule-wise: I'm currently just two weeks away (if all goes to plan) from finishing my work on Avalon Chronicles part two for Oni Press - huzzah! I've had the amazing Nana Li helping me out on tones and the book is of course scripted by Nunzio DeFelippis and Christina Weir, about whom I can't say enough nice things. Book one is out now (banner), available from pretty much anywhere. Book two won't be out for a little while, and book three's story is shaping up to be verry exciting, but I needed to get my role done for now so that I can move back into the world of Vampire Academy before I return to Avalon.
Yes, Shadowkiss is going ahead, and the script from Leigh Dragoon should be reaching me very soon. (She'll be at SDCC, btw, so do go say hi!) Going by the mails and comments I've seen already, I know a fair few of you are looking forward to it, and I'm pretty excited about drawing it for you. Thank you for all the lovely comments and feedback re Frostbite, despite some of you having to wait longer than planned for your copy to arrive. I think the publisher was pretty overwhelmed at the orders, so thank you, thank you! xx Frostbite has now been reprinted and should be available ^_^
It's always nice to squeeze in something a little different, and I was honoured to be asked by ThoughtBubble to contribute to this year's anthology. I was offered a page on which to do whatever I wanted (for a family showXD)...which was actually a bit overwhelming, haha. But I had some fun with it and I hope you guys like my contribution. Going by last year's production, this year's will be something I'll feel super proud to be a part of!
And lastly, I have finally joined the world of tumblr. I don't want to clutter up my work blog here with too much random stuff as it's mostly informative. So, if you're interested in seeing warm up/wind down sketches or want to generally share some inane internet banter that's longer than 140 characters (@emmavieceli), come find me at

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