
Convention season

Edinburgh book festival was AMAZING.
Had such a great time and caught up with so many people; probably too many to list, but special shout out to dinner and drink friends Paul Cornell, Kieron Gillen, Chrissy Williams, Jamie McKelvie, Paul Gravett, Bryan and Mary Talbot, John McShane, Nina Douglas, James Wills, Emma Hayley, Clara Benn and Sarah McIntyre. *phew* I also met some new faces, heroes, and put faces to names I've followed online...including fab peoples like Lauren Beukes, Inaki Miranda, Hannah Berry, Mitch Benn, Stephen Collins, Francesca Simon, Joe Gordon, Grant Morrison and Neil Gaiman.
Amazing weekend, great atmosphere, so much energy and a real sense of togetherness. Thanks so much to the festival for making me feel looked after and at home. ^_^
So - what's next? I'm going to make a list in the site's sidebar, as I should have done ages ago. But next week is Melksham comic con, and the week after is NICEcon in Bedford, so it's all go!
Quick reminder that Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss the graphic novel is out on December 31st and that between now and then I'll be posting up the odd snippets of how the pages are looking with Caravan Studio's amazing colours on them. Check my FB page and tumblr for more. Squeee!


Already July!

So, a quick update from me! Those of you following my facebook or twitter accounts will know that I recently completed inks on Vampire Academy:Shadow Kiss. It's always a mixed feeling finishing up on a big book, and I got to draw so many amazing scenes in this one!
Now all I can do is wait to see how colours come in from Caravan Studio - which is always exciting. I really hope Penguin random House will be able to share the cover soon, as it's looking lovely^_^
So, Shadow Kiss done, I'll be diving back into pencils for Alex Rider: Scorpia. I think you're going to like this book, gang. I've also been working on an Avalon Chronicles-themed article that will open up a pretty cool competition. Why Avalon? Well,  Avalon #2 is out now! Just released last week :)
You'll meet this guy and a few more new characters in the second volume ^_^
In convention news, next up is the epic Edinburgh International Book Festival; featuring their first ever StrippedFest - focused on comics and graphic storytelling. I was pretty overwhelmed to hear that my own workshop actually sold out on the first day tickets went on sale (Thank you, people who booked!), but you'll find loads more comics-related goodness on offer, so get booking and I'll see you there!


Make it then tell everybody...

I'm so behind on blogging and I have so much to talk about! But I'm going to start with one of the highlights of the last few weeks for me.
I love Dan Berry's work and I love his podcast. Always inspirational and featuring an amazing list of creators, it's a show I was super nervous to be a guest on. Talk about tough acts to follow! But, with our epic breakdown of why the word manga has become damaging in places, how I make arts, and Dan's stunning reveal that he used to wipe old people's bottoms for cash...I think we pulled it off!


Exciting stuff in the post!

Today I received this beautiful copy of the sketchbook prop used in Bates Motel. I wasn't expecting such a lovely thing, and I'm just over the moon to have been thought of. Signed by some of the cast and everything. I'm so happy to have been a part of this. It's wonderful seeing up close the skill with which my art was transformed into this thing of awesome! ^_^



Busy, busy, busy. Where to start? Okay, so today's task is to continue inking Shadow Kiss, book three in the Vampire Academy graphic novel series.
It's all moving along nicely now, but if you want to keep up with snippets and news on VA and my other projects, check out my shiny new facebook home, linked from the banner above. ^_^
Next up: I rather excitingly got some special advance copies of Avalon #2 through from the wonderful Oni Press yesterday! It's due for official release in July, but these special copies mean that I'm able to sell a limited number of the book at some upcoming conventions while stock lasts. It's super shiny and gorgeous~! =^_^= So, where can you find me to get an early copy?
First up is the MCM in London, in just a couple of weeks. I always have a blast at this show. ^_^
And hot on Expo's tail is the fabulous 2D in Derry. Such a friendly show and I can't wait to get back there again. Also in that banner is mention of the brand new Lakes festival in Kendal! I mention it because news has just been released, and I'm excited about being part of the curated Comics Clocktower in this new and awesome-sounding event.
Last, but not least, I was a good half-way through penciling Alex Rider: Scorpia at the point when I switched back to finish up on Shadow Kiss, and I can't wait to share this new chapter in Alex's comic-life with you all. I've been blown away by Anthony Horowitz's response to my new designs and Antony Johnston's script is a great adaptation! I'll be back to Alex when inks on Shadow Kiss are done. ^_^
Blimey. I think my poor brain needs a spring-clean ^_~


Interview at The Beat ^_^

Vampire Academy, Alex Rider, Avalon and more (plus dragons)...Thanks to @stevewmorris at The Beat for such a lovely and fun interview. ^_^


Bates Motel: Jiao's sketchbook.

As illustration jobs go, this one was pretty damned exciting. ^_^

For those that are still catching up on the series, in A&E’s “Bates Motel” airing Mondays @ 10/9c, Norman Bates discovers a sketchbook hidden underneath the carpeting in one of the rooms at the Bates Motel. Inside, he finds Chinese writing and manga sketches, immediately becoming captivated by the drawings. Norman, along with his classmate and friend Emma Decody, begin to dig deeper into the story behind the sketches and stumble upon a bigger mystery than either of them could have imagined. As the season unfolds, more characters from the manga are introduced and more secrets exposed; this book is the story of one of those characters...


New look!

With thanks as ever to Fehed Said, my website has itself a new banner! I think this one sums me up a little better these days. ^_^ (He has a new indiegogo campaign running, btw - well worth a look if you're a writer or a reader. ) With a new banner, I HAD to make a new post!
So what's new with me? Gawd, so much I'd love to say more about! One particularly exciting job will come to light in the next few weeks. It's not anything to do with book publishing...or even Richard III...so I'll leave you with that for now. But yes, very soon, I'll be able to spill the beans. ^_^
Here's one I CAN tell you about. I've seen the lettered pages for the Avalon Chronicles #2 and it's lovely! I'm so excited about it coming out, and I hope you are too. You can pre-order the book RIGHT NOW! I do recommend you let your local shops know you want it to be sure it's in stock on release.
Meanwhile, there's a short pause in Shadow Kiss inks while I wait for notes, but I'm over half way now!
And if you click the banner of ink previews, you'll see that some French Vampire Academy fans have been super sleuths! Yep - looks like a French edition of the GNs is on its way in June! Passionnant!
Okay, that'll do for now. Look out soon for a list of my convention appearances this year. It's going to be a busy one!