Arm is getting back to strength

So much so that I was able to play around after my work today and have fun with an image just for meeeee ^_^
the full image is in my personal illustration gallery.
Much Ado is up to 131 on inks! *pants heavily* Getting there!

Reader Comments (2)
Hello Emma,
i'm just no one, so sorry if i dare to leave a comment for you...but i occasionaly saw some of your work on the web and i was suddenly amazed by your unique style and one day by chance i've found your blog,and i just want to let you know how much appreciate your work!!
It will take a bit to read everything, that is not bad at all if the object is your art!
i hope to see some more amazing works soon
i wish you all the best
with regards
Thanks so much, Erika! Please do continue to follow me through my strange adventures in comics. ^_^