The Independent's Life Section today.

The Independent goes all manga
Who'd have thunk it a few years ago? Makes for some interesting reading. Thanks to Archie Bland at the Independent for his work! ^_^
Reader Comments (3)
It reminded me of something Leonard Nimoy said in an epsode of the Simpsons.
The following story of 'Paranormal activity' is true. And by true, we mean false. They're all lies! But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth!
What wonderful work is being done here. Very thoughtful and with lots of thought provoking items. I am a contemporary artist myself and always enjoy seeing the art of fellow artists and join discussions about art. I just recently have started my own site and hope that over time it will grow into an online art community where artists and art enthusiasts alike can meet and discuss their thoughts on art. Will recommend your blog to my friends. Will come back for more and wish you all the best.
P.s. Wish you all the best for your future work.
Hi there, and thanks for your sweet comment! Best of luck to you in your own artistic endeavours as well ^_^