Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #15

Things are not looking good for our Spirit Binder. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Things are crumbling before our eyes...looks like this prophecy is in for some choppy waters, but you knew that, right? ;)
Do let me know your thoughts and feedback by posting comments in this entry. I get lonely!

Reader Comments (11)
The closeups on Ella's face are spot on, very genuine. I'm interested to see how this encounter will finish out too.
Loving the drama. The emotions and expressions are much more powerful this time round. :)
Johzo - yay, thank you!! Poor Ella. I get the feeling that in a moment like that, you just wouldn't know what to do.
Dest - thanks as always, hon. Yeah, Neissus is a little more emotional this time around. :)
Elegant drawings and I really love the repeating graphic elements that you integrate so well into the compositions.
One little thing- the last page could be grouped with smaller boxes around a larger box with the most crucial moment. It seems to me that the weight of this page might be distributed that way to correspond with the weight of the action.
Just what I noticed.
With a presentation is as good as this its not going to make much difference, but even a diamond can be polished.
Thanks, Glenn - I see what you mean :)
I was going for the idea of it all happening at the same time, or at least very quickly - but I like the idea of bringing out one vital moment too. Thanks as always!
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