Dragon Heir - chapter #37 & Nemacon

I'm back from Middlesbrough and the first ever Nemacon. A big hello to everyone I spoke to over the weekend - what a great bunch. As a first con, Nemacon has some creases to iron, but I see the potential for a rather nice staple of the UK anime con circuit. Nice venue, nice people. ^_^
And now - Dragon Heir - where we last saw Kalm flying through the air at quite a pace! 0_O

Reader Comments (2)
Hi Emma, nice to geek out with you at NemaCon! You're right it has a few creases and hopefully they'll iron 'em out for next year :3 Forgot to get you and Sonia to sign my Telling Tales, so hopefully will bump into you some other time. Take it easy!! Tasha xx
Hey hon!! So sorry we didn't get to say goodbye after the felt so weird vanishing to get our train when no one was around! It was great spending some time with you - hope to see you at another con soon ^_^