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Vampire Academy inks have been submitted!

It is with a happy, happy heart that I can inform you: Today I submitted the last of the 144 pages of lineart that make up the first graphic novel! It's always a super exciting feeling to reach the end of a project, especially one as exciting as Vampire Academy. Now my lineart will be sent to our wonderful colourists so that they can work their magic and transform the pages from plain lines to full colour! After that, the editing team will add the text and bubbles, as adapted by Leigh Dragoon from Richelle Mead's original book, and then - finally - the book will be ready for print. It's lovely to feel part of such a great team.

I can also confirm that I won't have too much time off from Rose, Lissa, Dimitri and the rest...as we will indeed be moving onto Frostbite very soon! I'll be using the time I have before the new script arrives from Leigh to finish up book one of the Avalon Chronicles for Oni Press....so I won't be slacking off, haha.

Join me in a celebratory cry 'HERE'S TO ST VLADIMIR'S!' ^__^

Reader Comments (6)

I watch you on deviantart (I clicked the link in your journal to find this) and this is so good to hear! i look forward to reading the book! congratulations on finishing it!
February 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarol
OMG!!!! *O*
I want that book!
I just read Last Sacrifice... and I felt so sad because the history ended. I need more Rose, Dimka, Christian and Abe....
February 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPanda
i wacth you on DA (thats how i am here...) i am soo happy!! when do you think it will be done?? This year?!?!? I hope so!!
February 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAngel
Thats so great!So happy!Cant wait to see the final work and.........Frostbite.I didnt know you gonna do all the novels.Thats great.xoxo
February 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJuleah
@Carol - thank you so much! It's great to see people from DA crossing over here :)

@Panda - yay, not tooo long to wait. And yeah, I felt a bit lost when Last Sacrifice ended. Thank goodness I had the GN to draw! :)

@Angel - Hey! Thanks for crossing over from DA :) The GN will be released August this year, yep! My part's done, but there's still work to be done to get the book ready for print. I can't wait to see it all coloured and lettered!

@Juleah - yay Frostbite! I can't confirm on the rest of the series yet, I'm afraid....but yes, we're definitely doing Frostbite! :)
February 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterEmma Vieceli
OMG!!!!!! it's sooooo pretty i want the book!!!! i saw ur stuff on DA it's like AMAZING
March 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCassie
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