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The cat's out of the bag on project number 3!

So - you already know about the Avalon Chronices - the fantasy series I'm working on for Oni Press, and you already know about Vampire Academy - the amazing series by Richelle Mead being adapted for Penguin books....well, yesterday we were given the okay to talk about the third project that's taking up my time right now!

A little while ago now, I was approached by Hat Trick (the people behind such fab shows as Have I got news for you and Who's line is it anyway) about a project being written by Leah Moore and John Reppion; two talented writers who I am happy to call friends, and with whom I have always hoped to get a chance to work. The project, I was told, was for channel 4...some form of online comic that would be set in Victorian Manchester.  My brain flipped. Leah and John, channel 4, Victorian dresses? Lovely. In light of my current schedule, we opted to have me do the design work for the series and search for a group of artists who could work in my style on the project itself. Enter Windflower Studio; a fresh-out-of-uni, talented and enthusiastic bunch of artists whose work and attitude has impressed me since I and Sonia Leong first stumbled upon them in a portfolio session years ago. Channel 4 were convinced and we had our team for THRILL ELECTRIC. I'll be posting up some sneak peeks of individual characters over coming weeks; what you see here gives an idea of the cast and how much work has already been done! Who interests you? For more info, do head to Leah and John's blog! ^_^

Reader Comments (3)

Since you're working on THE SCENE today, could we pretty please see a at least a tiny bit once you're done, or you're not allowed to show anything from the official graphic novel?
How graphic it is? Tell me it's graphic! Or it has as few as the novel?
Your Dimitri's hawt, by the way.

P.S. You're doing an excellent job there. Keep going!
January 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElyza
Hi Elyza :)
Oh, man - I really wish I could show a little of this, trust me! Especially as the pages will be coloured in the book, so I'm hoping I'll get to show a few inks at some point, so that you guys can see the different stages....but I do have to wait until the publisher allows me to show anything, I'm afraid....and I guess we don't want to ruin the excitement too early '^_^

Glad you like Dimitri! It was great getting to draw him with his hair down finally, hehe! =^_^=
February 2, 2011 | Registered CommenterEmma Vieceli
Thank you, Emma. We all know that it's not in your hands. I guess we'll have to wait.
Thanks again for answering!
February 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElyza
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