Long overdue, and post-MCM is the perfect chance for a round up! I'm still pretty exhausted after this weekend's MCM Expo, but I had such a great time and came back with a stash of great comics! Huge aplogies to anyone who saw me on the Sunday...lack of sleep had made me into some kind of zombie and so I probably said all sorts of weird things, haha.
So, what is there to highlight from the show for me? SO MUCH!
First up, a huge thank you to Anna, Matt, Dave and Pud for being awesome ComicVillage organisers. You guys were fantastic! *hug*
So - the weekend for me: Just before the show, an interview I did for the wonderful ideastap site went live. Follow the banner above to see that.
When I arrived at the excel on the Friday, I made the most of the meet and greet atmosphere by making my way around the comicvillage and buying a ton of independent press comics, whose quality once again astounds me! A few creator highlights: Adam Cadwell, John Allison, Jim Round, Jade Sarson, N.Gingerboom.......oh so many; too many! You were all amazing! I also was lucky enough to get a copy of the 4th Elephantmen hard back...oh, those books are so, so shiny and awe inspiring. Richard Starkings is a star! As always, I would have liked to talk to so many more people, but the show is insane - in a good way ^_~
Click the banner above to see BleedingCool's lovely response to one of my favourite parts of the Saturday! Following the amazing Futurama crew (which was more than a little humbling, especially when I got to meet the fabulous Phil lamarr!) Myself, Leah Moore, Kit Buss of Windflower and Darren Garret of Littleloud got up on stage alongside the lovely Johnathon from HatTrick to promote the upcoming Thrill Electric. Channel 4 commissioner, Jo Twist, was also there and it was so nice to finally meet her in person! Thanks so much to everyone who came along to the panel, we had a great time. We even got to see a shiny trailer for the project...at least, the audience did. Sadly, from our spot on the stage, we couldn't see the screen, haha! I hear it will be placed online soon, so will link when it is.
At the Sweatdrop booth I was of course selling Dragon Heir: Reborn, and have to say a massive thank you to everyone who came by to say hello, make nice comments or pick up the book *hug* It was so fun getting to sit with my Sweatdrop homies again after so many expo's of running around like mad!
On the Saturday evening, I got to enjoy a now-regular special expo treat: A meal with My hubby, Anna Petterson and the charming and wonderful Warren Ellis, who I so rarely get to catch up with. I always love this little moment of calm amongst the madness of the event and never seem to get a chance to see Warren outside of it these days!
Sunday was a blur for me, but I know that underneath my zombie-like exterior, I had an awesome time. And Artists won the Artists Vs Writers battle! FINALLY! Well done to Leigh Gallagher, Adam Cadwell, Joe List, Becky Cloonan and Gary Erskine for finally getting one over on the writers team, haha ^_^
In non-Expo news, the new, shiny ImagineFX issue is out this month that features my Dragon Age piece in the Q&A along with the usual incredible level of art and education we can expect from the magazine!
So - what's next up for me? I'm back into grind mode, working on Frostbite and needing to dive back into Avalon as soon as I can too! I'm also looking forward to the Launchpad comics conference on the 18th June, where I'll be offering a talk on my work and on paths into the industry for anyone serious about working in this wonderful comics industry of ours. Hope to see some of you there!
This is Emma signing out. ^_^