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Pinups galore

I will always consider myself a comicker first and an artist second. I just love creating pages and telling stories. But every now and then I'll need to do a standalone image, and this week has been all about the pinups. ^_^ Firstly, a cover for one of the episodes of Thrill Electric - the exciting new digital comic series I mentioned a while ago. Produced by Hat Trick and channel 4, written by Leah Moore and John Reppion, and drawn by Windflower Studio, it's going to be a very cool series indeed! Oh, and I was the designer, so it's been really amazing watching my character designs and colour suggestions being taken forward and put into comic form; very cool. For those interested, there's a step-by-step for the pre-colours part of my cover behind the banner. To see the full, coloured image, you'll need to check out issue 2 of the comic when it's out. ^_^
And the second pinup? Well, Vampire Academy fans may like it ^_~ Hopefully we'll be able to show at least a snippet of it soon. I know you guys have been amazingly patient for a long time!

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