My life in fantasy ^_^

Okay, so two fantasy-related bigs things finished yesterday. One was the first book in the Avalon Chronicles series I'm doing for Oni Press! WOOOOOT. All pages submitted and I await the script for the second book eagerly, as Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir are bloody amazing. ^_^ Sadly, the book won't be out for a little while, so rather than post an image for that just now (we'll have to all sit on our anticipation, haha), I'll post an image of the other fantasy related adventure I finished last night:
That there is my digital boyfriend, Anders, from Dragon Age 2, haha XD He's a...bit of a handful.
I adore bioware games. Dragon Age 1 is still tearing at my heart strings (Oh, Alistair). Much as those of you who follow me on twitter will know I joke about the love stories in these games, I don't want to do an injustice to the actual stories - which are just superb. Bioware write amazing, epic characters and worlds and I love them for it. Roll on the next Dragon Age game!
(EDIT hehe, couldn't help myself...Anders fanart!)