Entries in much ado about nothing (6)


Stuffage! ^_^

Well, it sounds like people had a marvellous time at BICS. I was gutted not to be able to go this time - but hopefully next year! ^_^ So, I kind of wanted to bring your attention to two things:

1. Comic Mole Investigates - is a fab little review site where the Comic Mole himself delves into the underbelly of UK comics, mostly independent works. Just recently they've gone a bit crazy and have had a little Emma Vieceli season *blush*, which is amazingly sweet of them! You can check out an interview with me, a mini review of Much Ado About Nothing, and also an essay by the talented Kate Holden (creator of FanDanGo) on my adaptation of Hamlet; it's a pretty fascinating read, even for me! Check out these and other lovelies at the CMI site ^_^

2. Ellerbisms - Marc Ellerby's legendary online diary comic, Ellerbisms, celebrates its 200th strip this week! I was asked if I'd like to contribute a guest strip and leapt at the chance. Brought back fond memories of guesting on Fehed Said and Shari Chankhamma's amazing Rabid Monkeys (gone but not forgotten, guys!). Anyways, I really enoyed doing my little Emmabism and kept giggling throughout! So check it out, as well as the inspiring entries by Lizz Lunney and Matthew Sheret!


Free Comic Book Day is done, next up, Bristol!

What a lovely day! I had a great time at they Walk Among Us. Jon and his wife, Sabina, and the crew were wonderful hosts and looked after us all amazingly. It was also fab to see some friendly faces along. Obviously Andie Tong and Frazer Irving were there, also signing (and in Andie's case - doing the most amazing work next to me and putting me to shame! haha)....but we were joined by several wonderful people besides. From other comic-book massiiiiive posse members like Jamie McKelvie, Kieron Gillen, Antony Johnston and John Aggs....through pocasters like the Dork in your eye crew and friends, to very welcome drop-ins from lovely people like Sarah McIntyre, Lee 'budgie' Barnett and son Phil, and Gemma Cox. You're all huggable! Too many names to mention individually, haha. We also met up with the awesome Paul and Kate later in the day for drinkies. Always a pleasure. ^_^ I got to meet fab new people and see some random faces that I talk to online, but don't get to see in person much....and I even met a ten year old girl who was so scarily talented she had painted a canvas already and brought it along! A special mention: Also along for the ride was the wonderful Lisa Curtis (Lunameth) which meant so much to me as I know it can't have been the most interesting day for her, haha*hug* While she was there, along with a fellow doll-owner(another Emma, haha), she did some snappy camera work...because she's awesome. She's reponsible for the banner photo this entry, and she got this fab shot of my bookie.....oh, and me.... XD This second shot, a fun group action shot, is by Sarah, who was also snappy with the camera and has already written up a write-up of her day - because she's insanely organised! haha... So - a nice day. I'm looking forward to a few days at home now before Bristol next weekend (though not looking forward to the amount of work I have to fit into those few days)....LOL. So - about 30 people out there now have the first copies of Much Ado About Nothing to be seen in public.....I hope you like it!

Much Ado About Nothing is a month away!

How did THAT happen? I'm spying order pages appearing on various websites, so the wheels are turning....and I guess now's a good time to officially unveil the cover, since it's already on most of the sites, haha! *drum roll* So - that's the one to look out for! Not the blue-ish one that somehow found its way onto a few retail sites, ehehe. It seems Much Ado is already listed on the Abrams site (our US publisher), so those of you in the US - yes! There will be an American release. weee ^_^ The same goes for the spiffy looking King Lear, illustrated by the mighty Illya. Those of you in the UK keen to get hold of a copy of Much Ado before its official release, head along to They Walk Among Us on May 2nd for a day of fun, comicky frolics in the name of Free Comic Book Day, where I'll be signing along with other artists...and we'll have just 30 pre-release copies of the book, courtesy of SelfMadeHero. How exciting! I think it's going to be a fab day, so do come join us. I'll also be at Bristol a week after that on the 9th and 10th of May, so if you miss out on the pre-release fun, head along to Bristol. Hell, even if you don't miss out on the pre-release fun, head along anyways - should be fun!

Much Ado about Angst...

Boy has this play taken a turn, buahah. It's hard to post much without spoiling elements of story, so here's a teaser instead. What could be happening here? Those of you who know the play - ssshhhhh ^_~ Dum de dum....

What's new?

So, Birmingham came and went. As always, I loved chatting to people and generally being let out of my box! haha. The next box-opening is coming up on the 25th and 26th of October when I head down to London for the MCM Expo. I can't wait - it should be a good one! I'm verrry excited to be meeting up with Svetlana Chmakova of Dramacon fame on the Friday, as she's coming along to the show as a guest. If you like her work, be there! Of course, I'll also be there, and so will a host of other rather spiffy people. Where to start?..Oh, I can't..so head to the site and check the guest/comic village drop downs to see the goodness. Anyone here going for the Manga Shakespeare cosplay prizes? I'm so impatient, I want to know! haha After that, on the 29th, I'll be appearing at the Waterstones in Lakeside, Essex, for a special Halloween Manga night. I'll be having a chat with people and hopefully we can all revel in the glory of comics and Halloween combined. If you're in the area and want to come, make sure you book tickets now as apparently they're going fast! ^_^ Work-wise, I feel pretty festive now, having just finished a 5 page winter special for the DFC. The special thing about this one is that I decided to try colouring the whole thing myself - I had a colourist working with me on the main arc due to time restrictions, but I really enjoyed having a bash at this one. You won't of course see it until December, but the DFC will keep you well and truly entertained before that. And Much Ado About Nothing is now hitting that scary half way point. Hopefully it's all downhill driving from here on in! Take care all, Ems^_^

Much Ado is moving along...

A few more pages have just been added to the Selfmadehero workblog/Ning, so I can share them here as well. I'm at that half way stage on pencils now - which is always the hardest part. To think that you're only half way after 100 pages of work is a little bit of a downer, BUT - from here on in it's all downhill ^_^