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Much Ado About Nothing is a month away!

How did THAT happen? I'm spying order pages appearing on various websites, so the wheels are turning....and I guess now's a good time to officially unveil the cover, since it's already on most of the sites, haha! *drum roll* So - that's the one to look out for! Not the blue-ish one that somehow found its way onto a few retail sites, ehehe. It seems Much Ado is already listed on the Abrams site (our US publisher), so those of you in the US - yes! There will be an American release. weee ^_^ The same goes for the spiffy looking King Lear, illustrated by the mighty Illya. Those of you in the UK keen to get hold of a copy of Much Ado before its official release, head along to They Walk Among Us on May 2nd for a day of fun, comicky frolics in the name of Free Comic Book Day, where I'll be signing along with other artists...and we'll have just 30 pre-release copies of the book, courtesy of SelfMadeHero. How exciting! I think it's going to be a fab day, so do come join us. I'll also be at Bristol a week after that on the 9th and 10th of May, so if you miss out on the pre-release fun, head along to Bristol. Hell, even if you don't miss out on the pre-release fun, head along anyways - should be fun!

Reader Comments (6)

Hey, i remeber you talking about this yeaterday when you came to my school, and this may not be the right place to post a comment, but i just wanted to say Thanks agen for placin my Alive in Wonderlan Manga artwork 1st in the competition^^ and i really enjoyed the class you and Sonia took yesterday, i learnt a few things:)

Thanks Agen

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Slater

sorry about that, i should learn to proof read, i meant *Alice in Wonderland* not alive in wonderlan haha

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Slater

Hey Emma! I'm glad you posted. You're very, very welcome - Sonia and I had a great time and loved meeting you all. ^__^

April 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Vieceli

Aand i was just wondering, do you also have a DeviantArt like Sonia? Or do you just work from other sites?

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Slater

I do indeed. Check the right of my main page for a link. I'm emmav on there :)

April 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Vieceli

Great stuff, im on there too:)

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmma Slater
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