
Well, that's a little embarrassing '^_^

I finally left my site for so long that it gave up and shut down, haha! If there was ever a good prompt to make a post, eh? Here we go ^_^
So - After my last post, featuring Jem, Supergirl and Doctor Who as three of my lifetime exciting things to be working on, I followed them up by returning to IDW for a 6 part series on Back to the Future!
Coloured by Jose Luis Rio and written by John Barber and Bob Gale, this was such a treat to work on and the trade paperback has just been released! (click the banners above)
Rocked like so many by the tragic news of the Pulse shooting in Orlando, I was eager to contribute to the Love is Love benefit anthology (above). Written by my Avalon cohorts, Nunzio DeFilippis & Christina Weir, and coloured by the wonderful Christina Strain.
And, of course - maybe the most exciting news in a way is that Soaring Penguin agreed to publish the print edition of BREAKS, mine and Malin Ryden's creator-owned comic-baby!
Available for pre-order on the publisher's site now, we are so excited to get this baby out into the world of printed comics! And Christina Strain is so awesome she even coloured our cover! x ^_^


A couple of updates from me: I've started work on my chapters of the Adventures of Supergirl for DC. You can see writer Sterling Gates chat about the series here - he's pretty awesome, as is the whole team, and I feel incredibly chuffed to be on board!

Mine and George Mann's Eighth Doctor series for Titan reached its conclusion. We were over the moon at the response, and watch this space for the potential return of the Doctor and Josie! And watch out for the trade, out in May!
I had a huge amount of fun working on Jem for IDW, and the Viral arc will be released in trade form in April - don't miss it as it's a fantastic mix of artists as well as Kelly and my three-issue setup for DARK JEM

BREAKS continues toward the end of arc one...and Malin and I are well into scripting arc two. If you've not read the comic before, you have two years worth of uploads to catch up with! ^_^


Two years of webcomic from Malin Ryden and me - with love to you.


The day has come! It's been a bit of a wait, but Alex Rider: Scorpia is out this Thursday 4th. Adapted by Antony Johnston, drawn by me, coloured by Nathan Ashworth and Kate Brown. Released from Walker books. ^_^ The banner will take you to amazon's listing.

Festive wishes to you and yours ^_^

And a happy new year! ^_^


It's been a busy couple of months, art-wise. It's always nice when a flurry of things get released; especially when you're like me and sometimes spend eight months working on a graphic novel that people won't see for years! (Alex Rider:Scorpia is out in February though, yay!). Rather than post them all individually, I thought this little banner would offer a taster. For more details on my projects, do check out my scrapbook. I've added the newest bits to it. ^_^
I wanted to pull out a couple of highlights for you. Since a couple of amazing covers featuring my new Doctor Who companion design have now been released in solicits, I figured it was safe to show her to you! This is Josie Day. Designed by me, written into creation by the lovely George Mann! Hi-Fi have done lovely things with the colours on this issue. ^_^
And the preview for Jem & the holograms issue 8 is up at CBR! The comic is out tomorrow. Kelly Thompson is writing incredible stuff and Victoria Robado candy-colours; you'll love it!
Last up: BREAKS is rocketing on and we're into issue 5! Malin and I are super excited about coming close to the end of arc one. this means THE BOOK!! ^_^
I'm off to Kendal tomorrow for the Lakes International Comic Arts Festival! I'm heading up a little early as I'm taking part in this year's 24 hour challenge. EEEEE! Wish me luck. We have a great bunch, but sleep is not invited. And I do like sleep! I hope to see some of you at the event! I'll try and be awake :D


SDCC update!

The news is out and I can rave about it! As announced at San Diego Comic Con, writer George Mann and I are working on a brand new mini series for the Eighth Doctor. Yes, I'm working on a new Doctor Who adventure! And for my favourite Doctor! Squeeeeeee <3 Check out the gorgeous cover by Alice X. Zhang. *_*
Honestly, the reaction has been amazing, and I could have linked to any number of articles, but I've chosen the Comic Alliance piece by Steve Morris, as he's the wonderful guy who first talked BREAKS up to the world as well! But yes, there has been some amazing support and excitement, so thank you everyone who's been posting about it ^_^


Rare update...

This site is still alive! ^_^ Here's what's been going on over here:
It is with no small amount of joy that I can talk about this! I'll be guesting on issues 7-9 for IDW's Jem & the Holograms; as brought to new, amazing life by Kelly Thompson and Sophie Campbell. I'm a longtime Jem fan and love the new take on the series; so to be asked on board was ridiculously exciting ^_^
Also exciting was the opportunity to draw Wonder Woman. I mean, seriously...what an honour! Working on a script by Barbara Kesel; look out for sensation comics issue 13 ^_^
And my inner fangirl was reeling something crazy at being able to work with Square Enix on the community side of the incredible Life is Strange, by dontnod games. We've been making a series of promotional images relating to them game. It's an amazing game, and I've been a square fan for EVER, so it's been so exciting working with them ^_^
Last up, BREAKS is ever-growing. I'm up to 50 patrons on my patreon account now, which is just fantastic and means so much. Do please pop over and pledge if you're enjoying the comic by Malin Ryden and myself. Page 80 got uploaded this week!