
Scorpia inks are GO!

Here we go! And if you're interested in following the process of the whole team, click the image to be taken to the Alex Rider graphic novel blog. ^_^


BREAKing out!

One of my favourite things about the title Malin and I chose for our series is how punnable it is. :D
The lovely Steven Morris got in touch with us a little while ago to ask some questions, and the story is now up at ComicBookResources. Pretty cool, eh? Spot the little 'Latest Articles' section where Cortland is sat right next to the article about Moon Knight, by friends Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire. It's great to see our creations hanging out together ^_^
Meanwhile, I'm still working away on BREAKS pages. The printed prologue will be out in April (weeee!) and you can of course continue reading the whole thing for free over at the website (linked in the image above).
As you may know, Malin and I are working on this series independently of any publisher, which means my drawing time is all unpaid and done for love alone. That said, if you do want to show your appreciation in some way, or feel you'd like to contribute to the series, then I set up a PATREON page for myself over here. ^_^


BREAKS - page 3 is live ^_^


Breaks webcomic

Malin and I have been working hard, and the website is up and running for the upcoming BREAKS web edition. The image below will take you right there. We'll be adding pages very soon now, weee!


Animated BREAKS Cover

Click through to visit the workblog. ^_^


2014 is here.

It's a new year, best wishes to all! ^_^So - Shadow Kiss the Graphic Novel was release in the US and Australia last week, and did some fancy moves on the charts before stock shortages started to be reported. Hang on in there, guys! If you've not got your copy yet, keep at it. x Richelle Mead tells you why you need the book here ^_^

I'm still waiting on notes back from Walker, but as soon as they come in - I'm set to dive into 170 pages of action packed inks for Alex Rider: Scorpia.Last up,  I've been using the wait to finally get started on BREAKS; a new series written by myself and Malin Ryden about two young adults struggling to consolidate their pasts, deal with their present lives, and plan who the hell they expect to be in the future. It's an emotional drama romance with some strong language and grit thrown in. The current plan is to release a single issue prologue this year, and launch a webcomic with it. Exciting, no?! ^_^


December I love you.

Busy month! First up, tomorrow sees the release of issue #14 of Young Avengers.
The tumblr post that banner leads to tells a little more, but I'm so happy to be a part of this!
Yesterday I opened up limited commission slots, and had a lot of fun with this Fenris piece.
The Shadow Kiss graphic novel hits the US & Aus Dec 31st! (UK gets it in January) ^_^
Last up: Steve Morris over at Comics Vanguard cunningly picked up on a few teasers I posted regarding BREAKS; a new series that I've been co-writing with author, Malin Ryden, for a very long time. Written originally in prose form, we've decided we'd really like to see how it pans out as a webcomic! I think you'll like it ^_^


Crazy Autumn

Soooo much going on, you guys!!
I had an interview with Alex Dueben of CBR recently, and we talked over what I've been working on *phew* Things are manic, but good. I also offered exclusive preview pages of Shadow Kiss! (due Dec 31st) Head there via the banner to see the whole thing.Over on my tumblr account I've been posting a few bits and pieces, including a montage of the rough pencils from Alex Rider: Scorpia - which I have now completed and submitted, yay! Next step will be to get chatting with the publishers and move forward to inks.
And I've been attending a lot of conventions and hanging out with intelligent and talented friends like..erm...these guys XD
Seriously, con season is mad this year. Next up is New York Comic Con where I'll be on two panels on Saturday: 13:45 in room 1A15 (Doing it the Euro way) and straight after that at 14:45 in room 1A17 (graphic novels). There'll be a signing following the second panel & I hope to be at the Oni booth too...I'll try and post up more details soon. Straight after NYCC is the Lakes, and then which point I suspect I'll be mostly a zombie, haha!

Now I'm off to go plan my five pages for Kieron and Jamie's amazing Young Avengers! Weeeee! ^_^