
News for 2013

So much is going on and I've been so slow to update here! My tumblr and twitter accounts are much more up to date, at least ^_^
First up: Vampire Academy has seen its main three characters cast for the film version! Click the banner to be taken to my tumblr post on the subject. So exciting!
The Avalon Chronicles Volume 2 is now available for pre-order! Do let your local shops and libraries know the good news, and be sure to order yourself a copy. (Cover design is not final) Previews code: FEB131089 Banner leads to
I have also received Antony Johnston's script for Alex Rider: Scorpia...and it's going to be an exciting book, blimey! I've made a start on character designs and will share them once we're all approved. ^_^


Season's Greetings 2012

If you're following me over at tumblr or twitter, you'll have already received some festive cheer posts from me, but the time has come to wind up the studio for it's about time I posted here at HQ ^_^
It's been a pretty amazing year for me, with releases including: Frostbite and The Avalon Chronicles, as well as a reprint of Dragon Heir:Reborn and a short piece appearing in the Thought Bubble anthology. As well as that I've been working with a couple of television companies and seeing my work connected with some very cool programmes - more news on that in the new year! Then there was Richard III's leap into the public eye, a medical comic that I hope will save a few lives, and, of course, I've been to lots of convetions and met tons of amazing, friendly people who make me proud to be part of comics.

All in all, it's been a positive year work-wise, despite being a very sad one personally. I've lost a few too many family members this year and sincerely hope for a healthier happier year for my nearest and dearest next year. And work-wise? I look forward to diving into the world of Alex Rider with my new collaborator, Antony Johnston. We've been waiting for a chance to wreak havoc together in comics, and Alex Rider has given us our chance! We even have the amazing Kate Brown joining us on colours for the title, so - as you can imagine - these books are going to rock. ^_^

So, in 2013 watch out for Alex Rider news, Shadowkiss (the third Vampire Academy graphic novel), The girl and the unicorn (part two of the Avalon Chronicles) and a few more suprises! Have yourselves a wonderful festive season, everyone. xx


Alex Rider

It's official!

I'm excited to announce that next year I'll be diving into the world of Alex Rider as the artist on the graphic novels. ^_^

Details can be found by clicking the link above. I'm very excited to be working with Antony Johnston on the books, and they are of course adapted by him from Anthony Horowitz's fantastic novel series. There are already graphic novels of the series out there, and I do urge you to go check them out because they're really lovely books, but I'll be jumping in at Scorpia; book five in the series.

I'm thrilled to be joining Walker Books on this series - what a great team I'm getting to work with! ^_^


Back from New York

And fighting off jetlag and con-lurgy, huzzah. But, boy, was it worth it! I'll slowly be writing up parts of my trip as life settles,  but for now you can find a few mini-tumblr posts:
This new and shiny tablet and software set combines Wacom and Manga Studio - two of my favourite things in the world.
Some photos of New York City - I'm already missing it!
My Vampire Academy signing at the comic con was amazing! Thank yooooo!
More to come, but I met and caught up with so many amazing people, my head is still reeling. A wonderful time, wonderful place, wonderful friends. ^_^


New York Comic Con - Signing times

Next week I head to New York for the comic con - OMG! I can't wait to see friends and meet some new faces. Many thanks to the wonderful Jimmy Aquino and Ben Templesmith for letting me stay at their place. I love you guyssss.

So, while I'm at the show, I'll be putting in a little time as well. I don't have a table this year, but you can find me at the following places and times:

Oni Press Booth:
Friday - 3pm - 3:45 pm
Saturday - 3pm - 3:45pm
Sunday - 2pm - 2:45pm

Penguin Books booth:
Sunday 12:30 - 1:30

Comic News Insider booth (in the podcast area):
No set time yet, but I'll be around the booth a fair bit over the weekend, doing signings on Saturday and Sunday.

Do come and say hi! ^_^


Two press releases

So - the comic that I teased last post by myself and Paul Duffield was revealed as TXA; a ten-pager commissioned by the London School of Hygeine and Tropical Medicine. Click the banner for one of the write-ups as well as a link to the full comic:

And the other news that broke over the weekend was regarding the incredible search for the remains of Richard III, a subject close to my heart. I was amazingly happy to be asked to provide illustration for the press conference, and enlisted the help of Kate Brown and Paul Duffield in making the images come to life with colour and borders. An exciting time for fans of the white boar!
Click the above banner for more on the dig. And the one below for a little teaser I posted on my tumblr regarding just why the whole thing was so exciting for me to be a part of!
All this and of course Shadowkiss is still moving on as well. I'm over twenty pages into pencils on the book, and I just know you guys are going to love it!


Autumn Madness

I've been a little quiet on the updates, but things have been on the manic side! Apologies. ^_^ First of all, I recently finished a small and fairly unusual comic for a client who isn't a comics publisher. Next week I'll be able to say more, but I really enjoyed working on something so different, and having the awesome Paul Duffield on colours helped the whole thing look shiny :)
The big news this end is that I have of course made a start on Shadowkiss pencils. This will be the third book in the series of Vampire Academy adaptations that I'm the artist on. Shadowkiss was my favourite book of the series. So much happens! Graphic novel adaptations are always pretty fast paced, and I hope that readers finding the series via the GNs will be tempted to check out Richelle Mead's amazing novels as well, but - as always - adapter Leigh Dragoon has done an amazing job of picking out the highlights and making the whole thing work for comic format. It's early days so far and I'm only ten or so pages in, but the script is already making me smile. Be sure to follow my twitter for the occasional update on how I'm doing, but in the meantime, I'll leave off with another shot from my short comic, coloured by Paul Duffield. It's late, and I agree with the off screen character - coffee is a good idea! :)
My tickets are all booked for NYCC, so I hope to see people there! ^_^


New York State of Mind...

I’m getting out the party pic again because I’m coming to New York Comic Con! ^__^

Can’t wait to get over there again, meet new faces and catch up with less-new ones; not to mention finally putting a face to a few internet pals I’ve been speaking to for a while online. So, if you’re heading to the convention, I hope to see you there!

I’ll be spending some time at the Oni press booth for the Avalon Chronicles and the Penguin booth for Vampire Academy, more details when I have them.

Massive squidgy thanks to the amazing Jimmy Aquino and Ben Templesmith for offering to house me for my trip. You guys are amazing and I owe you many beers. xx

So, so, who’s coming? PARTAY! ^__^