Entries in wacom (2)


WACOM hangout tonight

Tonight I'll be hanging out on google with Wacom; talking BREAKS, answering questions and doing a bit of livedrawing on Manga Studio ex5. I hope you can come along. ^_^


Back from New York

And fighting off jetlag and con-lurgy, huzzah. But, boy, was it worth it! I'll slowly be writing up parts of my trip as life settles,  but for now you can find a few mini-tumblr posts:
This new and shiny tablet and software set combines Wacom and Manga Studio - two of my favourite things in the world.
Some photos of New York City - I'm already missing it!
My Vampire Academy signing at the comic con was amazing! Thank yooooo!
More to come, but I met and caught up with so many amazing people, my head is still reeling. A wonderful time, wonderful place, wonderful friends. ^_^