Entries in new york (2)


Back from New York

And fighting off jetlag and con-lurgy, huzzah. But, boy, was it worth it! I'll slowly be writing up parts of my trip as life settles,  but for now you can find a few mini-tumblr posts:
This new and shiny tablet and software set combines Wacom and Manga Studio - two of my favourite things in the world.
Some photos of New York City - I'm already missing it!
My Vampire Academy signing at the comic con was amazing! Thank yooooo!
More to come, but I met and caught up with so many amazing people, my head is still reeling. A wonderful time, wonderful place, wonderful friends. ^_^


New York Comic Con - Signing times

Next week I head to New York for the comic con - OMG! I can't wait to see friends and meet some new faces. Many thanks to the wonderful Jimmy Aquino and Ben Templesmith for letting me stay at their place. I love you guyssss.

So, while I'm at the show, I'll be putting in a little time as well. I don't have a table this year, but you can find me at the following places and times:

Oni Press Booth:
Friday - 3pm - 3:45 pm
Saturday - 3pm - 3:45pm
Sunday - 2pm - 2:45pm

Penguin Books booth:
Sunday 12:30 - 1:30

Comic News Insider booth (in the podcast area):
No set time yet, but I'll be around the booth a fair bit over the weekend, doing signings on Saturday and Sunday.

Do come and say hi! ^_^