Entries in dragon heir (41)


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #21

The Spiratu train rolls on...soon we'll actually hit the end of Dragon Heir:Reborn and will head back into the original issue 6, as it was first printed a few years ago - I can't believe how fast 5 issues have flown by! I hope you've been enjoying the journey. ^_^ I'll be continuing to run the webcomic version of the later issues in their original form, but am already turning my thoughts to printing the new collected volume #1, so do keep an eye out and let me know if you'll be interested in it. For now, as always, click the banner to read the chapter.

Outside of Dragon Heir: I've started work on my Oni Press project and can't wait to tell you all more about it. I'm working on content for issue 2 of Bella Nolita, the fab vampire-themed gothic French Magazine. I have a new contract on the way that I seriously can't wait to talk about, and I am of course giddy with excitement about seeing Marvel Girl Comics #3 when it hits the stands. I'm looking forward to reading #1, which will be out very soon!

This is going to be a busy year, methinks. How are you doing? ^_^


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #20

Dragon Heir: Reborn continues! Chapter #20 is here for your enjoyment. I hope you like it! ^_^



Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #19

Here we go, chaps. And I have some news for you! I have just ONE page left to complete of Dragon Heir: Reborn (ie the remake of the first five issues) and then I'll be done! I always said I'd leave issues 6 and onwards as they were...sure, I could make improvements, but it runs the risk of becoming an endless cycle of reworking, and so I need to draw a line somewhere *gulp*.

What this means is that I will be looking to publish issues 1-9 in an all-new collected volume of Dragon Heir soon! I sincerely hope you'll be interested in reading this story as it was intended to be read: in the printed form.

For now though - chapter 19 - enjoy and let me know your thoughts! ^_^


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #18

I'm so sorry for posting this up late, guys! I'm actually on a holiday this week and it totally slipped my poor old mind! Anyways, here we go: Chapter 18 for you!  ^_^


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapters #16 + 17/SD turns eight!

This week marks an important turning point in the story, so I've allowed a bumper, double issue - since splitting this would be too hard. So, ten whole pages of Dragon Heir for you today! I hope you enjoy and head back to here to let me know your thoughts. ^_^

In other news, Sweatdrop Studios turns eight years old this month! It's been an incredible journey and we couldn't have made it without our fantastic readers, supporters and forumners. As a thank you, we've launched a Sweatdrop Tombola to run throughout February. Click the banner for more info!


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #15

Things are not looking good for our Spirit Binder. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Things are crumbling before our eyes...looks like this prophecy is in for some choppy waters, but you knew that, right? ;)

Do let me know your thoughts and feedback by posting comments in this entry. I get lonely!


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #14

Ah, the joy of being able to update from my own computer using my fully functional internet connection ^_~
Thanks for your patience the last few weeks, guys. Your reward is something of a turning point in the story - enjoy chapter 14 and head back here to let me know your thoughts!


Comments: Dragon Heir chapter #13

Early Dragon Heir attack! I still have no internet connection at home and so am abusing a friend's connection to update tomorrow's chapter now...see how much I love you! Spreading the word is all the more important this week as I am out of action aside from the odd glimpse of connection on my phone! Enjoy the ep and let me know your thoughts. Love yooooo ^_^