Entries in dragon heir (41)


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #12

Apologies for the delay, guys! We had a little technical hitch, but weeee're BACK!
I hope you all had a fantastic break over Christmas and New Year; I know I did - and I'm looking forward to a promising 2010.
Anyways, without further ado, I offer you Dragon Heir Chapter #12. Enjoy, pass it on, let me know your thoughts and all that jazz ^_^


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #11

Back on schedule this week with a pretty good spot to take a week's break for Christmas next week as we reach the end of the 'opening', as it were. As always, enjoy, pass it on, and let me know your thoughts. Ah, how the characters will look back fondly on these peaceful times as things go on ^_~

Have a superb festive season everyone, with much love from Spiratu! Christmas pic next week - because you just have to, eh? XD


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #8

Chapter 8! Uploaded a little late this week, sorry guys! Blame the Grand Cosplay Ball last night - which was a blast and a half! Anyways, back to Spiratu's domain....Enjoy, spread the word and, as always, any comments are very appreciated ^_^


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #7

Lucky 7? We'll see. I am returned from the glorious weekend that was Thought Bubble in Leeds, and now it's Dragon Heir time! We're leaving Protus and Furose to get to know each other for a bit, but things are about to change for worker spirit Ella! As always, do head back here and let me know your thoughts, guys. For now...please to be clicking the banner ^_^


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #6 

Here we go again! Chapter #6 already - woah! Just click the banner to head to the new chapter. Please do keep the lovely comments coming, they're very appreciated and you're all awesome! ^__^


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #5 

Gosh, Chapter 5 already! Things are really moving now. As always, I live on your comments, so please let me know your thoughts here. Any readers of the old Dragon Heir will be pleased to see a new character's appearance today; he's the most fanarted character, so I'm guessing you like him, haha ^_^
Anyways, click the banner to be taken to chapter #5.

Talking of fanart, I created a fanart gallery in the webcomic section. Sadly, I don't have copies of all of them, but over the years there have been some lovely pieces of DragonHeir art, and though some of these pieces go back a long time, it's a shame to lose them. If you want to create anything yourself to be added to the gallery, just drop me a line!


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #4

Hey hey, folks! Freshly back from Lucca comic con at 5am this morning (okay, not so fresh), but I couldn't leave poor Protus hanging, so please enjoy chapter 4 and head back here to let me know your thoughts in the comments - I get lonesome, you know?


Comments: Dragon Heir - Chapter #3 

Hey all! It's Monday, and that means another visit to Spiratu's domain and another chapter of Dragon Heir, yay! I was overwhelmed by the reponse on the comic's launch last week...I hope you continue to enjoy the story as it unfolds. ^_^

Click the banner to be taken to page 1 of chapter 3.

Please do head back here using the link at the end of the chapter to offer your thoughts!