Paris! Madrid! London!

Hello, all! And yet again apologies for my slow, slow updates. I am a failure *sob sob*.
So, what is there to tell you right now? Well, work-wise this is turning into a really interesting year. Whilst we all eagerly await the release of Vampire Academy: Frostbite and Avalon Chronicles #1, I have been spreading my arty tentacles and picking up a few other interesting possibilities as well. News when I have it, folks. I hate being one of those vague 'and stuff is happening' people, but honestly, I can't say anything right now. What I will say is that two of the projects are actually my own or co-written projects, and so these are obviously potentiall very exciting for me. ^_^
So, the title of this blog post? Well, first of all I was in Paris recently for Paris Manga & Scifi! The above banner is from a photo sent from the lovely Prof. Okashi. Sarah and I living it up at our table!
I went along with the wonderful Sarah McIntyre who, as usual, managed to do an incredible write up that puts me utterly to shame! (and OMG I got to be in a comic with Vern and Lettuce! *explodes*). She had a candy store of a stock collection on display with Vern & Lettuce, her Princess books, badges and all sorts. So many goodies! But yes, Dragon Heir received its French release, courtesy of publisher Aaltair, and a jolly good time was had by all. We were looked after so well, and everyone was wonderful ^_^ It was so lovely getting to meet French readers of Vampire Academy, you guys rock!
Next month I'll be heading to Madrid with the British Council to join other speakers like Posy Simmonds, Doug Wallace, Paul Gravett and Woodrow Phoenix in discussing the good word of comics.
And on Thursday 8th March, I'll be closer to home in the Charing Cross branch of Blackwells, London, to take part in a kitchtastic evening about gothic comics and books; where my focus will of course be Vampire Academy. I'm just one of a list of fab creators who'll be speaking, so it sounds like it will be a really fun event! Do come along to join the discussion ^_^
I think I'll leave it there for now, folks! Drawing to do!