
Paris! Madrid! London!

Hello, all! And yet again apologies for my slow, slow updates. I am a failure *sob sob*.

So, what is there to tell you right now? Well, work-wise this is turning into a really interesting year. Whilst we all eagerly await the release of Vampire Academy: Frostbite and Avalon Chronicles #1, I have been spreading my arty tentacles and picking up a few other interesting possibilities as well. News when I have it, folks. I hate being one of those vague 'and stuff is happening' people, but honestly, I can't say anything right now. What I will say is that two of the projects are actually my own or co-written projects, and so these are obviously potentiall very exciting for me. ^_^


So, the title of this blog post? Well, first of all I was in Paris recently for Paris Manga & Scifi! The above banner is from a photo sent from the lovely Prof. Okashi. Sarah and I living it up at our table!
I went along with the wonderful Sarah McIntyre who, as usual, managed to do an incredible write up that puts me utterly to shame! (and OMG I got to be in a comic with Vern and Lettuce! *explodes*). She had a candy store of a stock collection on display with Vern & Lettuce, her Princess books, badges and all sorts. So many goodies! But yes, Dragon Heir received its French release, courtesy of publisher Aaltair, and a jolly good time was had by all. We were looked after so well, and everyone was wonderful ^_^ It was so lovely getting to meet French readers of Vampire Academy, you guys rock!
Next month I'll be heading to Madrid with the British Council to join other speakers like Posy Simmonds, Doug Wallace, Paul Gravett and Woodrow Phoenix in discussing the good word of comics.
And on Thursday 8th March, I'll be closer to home in the Charing Cross branch of Blackwells, London, to take part in a kitchtastic evening about gothic comics and books; where my focus will of course be Vampire Academy. I'm just one of a list of fab creators who'll be speaking, so it sounds like it will be a really fun event! Do come along to join the discussion ^_^

I think I'll leave it there for now, folks! Drawing to do!



Hope everyone had a great new year! I've been so behind in blogging for the last few weeks; rubbish of me. ;_; So - first of all, I wanted to let you know that I'll be in Paris on the 4th and 5th of February for the Paris Manga & Sci Fi event - huzzah! I'll be there because my creator owned title, Dragon Heir is receiving a French edition, courtesy of publisher Aaltair - how cool is that?!
I'll be at Aaltair's booth along with fellow creators Nacho Fernandez and the super Sarah McIntyre - who we keep joking that I'm whisking away for a Parisian retreat, haha.

And from older projects to new, I'm very excited that the first book of Avalon Chronicles and the second of the Vampire Academy series will be out in a couple of months! Things to look forward to. I'm also beavering away on a couple of creator-owned projects that I seriously can't wait to talk more about.
Here's to an exciting year ahead ^_^


Happy Festive season to everyone ^_^

Have a good one and I'll see you in the new year! x


Woah, is that the time?

Lovely Paul Cornell has started up his 12 days of Christmas and prolific Morag Lewis is working on her visual advent calender; both annual events that hammer home to me that Christmas really is nearly here! Oh my goodness where was it hiding?

For me and the Vampire Academy crew, Christmas came a little early when we learned that the Vampire Academy graphic novel had won the GoodReads graphic novel and comic prize for 2011! We were overjoyed, so thank you so much to anyone who voted for us. To be up there amongst such incredible titles was an honour. To win was just...well, thank you! ^_^ Click the frostbite preview banner to see the full category and where VA sits in it; it's keeping some amazing company there!

It certainly gives us yet more enthusiasm as we dive into Shadowkiss! You guys rock *hug*

I have been all over the place recently. Convention season really knocked me for six, but I met some amazing people. Massive thanks and hellos to everyone I met in Malta comic con and Komix in Melksham. I've been looked after so well - thank you! ^_^
Now, I'm back to working hard on Avalon 2 and, soon, shadowkiss. You may see more of the chappie in the banner appearing over time, as my wind-down sketches have been largely featuring him recently. I won't dive into who he is exactly just yet, but he's a character I'm certainly hoping to do more with at some point. Yes, another one. I have a stable out back...but I keep them all well fed until their moment to shine, honest! '^_^


Doki Doki, Travelling Man & Avalon ^_^

This weekend I'll be heading up to Manchester!
On the Saturday evening I shall be heading along to the fabulous Travelling Man comic shop for signing shennanigans from 7pm onward, so do head along and say hi if you're in the area! ^_^
Then on the Sunday it's off to the Doki Doki festival, where Sonia Leong and I will be there with tables, selling books, offering sketches and representing Sweatdrop. Hope to see people there!

In other exciting book news, it seems that my Oni press title, Avalon Chronicles, has now been solicited! It liiiiives! It's been a little while since I finished up work on the book and can't wait for you guys to be able to share it. Writers Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir are just amazing story weavers and I'm proud to be heling them weave this one ^_^
The banner will take you to Avalon as it appeared this morning on my goodreads list! weeee :)
Talking of Goodreads, don't forget to vote in the choice awards! Vampire Academy and Richell Mead are making a show in the nominations, with Richelle's work getting three categories - including my own contribution in the graphic novel category for mine and Leigh's adaptation of book one ^_^


Goodreads Choice Awards 2011

I got an email from my eagle-eyed co-creator, Leigh Dragoon, yesterday because she spotted that Vampire Academy: A graphic novel made it into round one of the Goodreads choice awards for 2011. This is so, so exciting! I can't quite believe the phenomenal list of books that are up for voting. It's a really strong list and, whatever happens, to be among them for the first round of voting is just stupidly flattering.

Choice_logo_90x107 Vote now for your favorite books!

So, round one of voting is open now! If you want to see Vampire Academy (or one of the others!) move forward into round two, then head over by clicking the link above and cast your vote now. ^_^

Also well worth clicking on is the link to the now fully launched The Thrill Electric! (banner here from Becky Cloonan's amazing cover to issue 1) I've mentioned it before, but you can now view the first two episodes (and episode 3 launches today) completely for free thanks to channel 4! A new episode launches every Thursday and the reaction we got at the MCM expo was so positive, with Resonance FM and Bleeding Cool really jumping into the action; we're all excited about it ^_^



Events updates ^_^

Finally an update from me! I completed the inks on Frostbite last week and it's a good feeling! The book is going to look amazing, I can't wait ^_^ It seems like Vampire Academy #1 was only just out and rocking the NYT best sellers list and already we're looking ahead to the third book in the series. Time is flying by!
A big thank you again to the wonderful readers who've been sending messages, reviews and comments for the first book. You're all amazing ^_^ Frostbite will be released in April 2012 and you can already pre-order it on Amazon!
So, where am I now? Well, as well as Frostbite's release, next year will also see the release of the first book in the Avalon Chronicles from Oni Press!
That's in March, so what a busy couple of months that will be! (I have recently received a script draft from Nunzio and Christina for book two and it's very exciting!)
In just a week's time HatTrick and channel 4 are finally revealing the very exciting enhanced comic project,The Thrill Electric, written by Leah Moore and John Reppion and drawn by Windflower Studio. I was the designer for the project and it's been amazing watching it all come together! So that's a project to look out for in the very near future.
I'll also be embarking on a few adventures in the next couple of months and hope to see people at some of the following events:
London MCM Expo - 28/30 October, London
Signing at Travelling Man, Manchester - 12th November
Doki Doki Japanese Festival - 13th November, Manchester
Thought Bubble - 19/20 November, Leeds
Malta Comic Con - 26/27 November, Malta
Signing Party at Komix! - 10th December, Wiltshire (With Paul Duffield & Kate Brown)

Phew! So, hope to see you soon, guys. Don't be shy. If you're at one of these events, do come and say hi!


NYT Best seller! You guys are amazing :)

So - I've been so busy with the last month of Frostbite inks that I just haven't had time to post about this here yet, but Oh My Goodness, the VA graphic novel made the New York Times bestseller list for graphic novels and it's more than we could have dreamed - thank you SO much to everyone who's bought a copy ^_^
Party time!
So, we charted at #4 last week and have stayed in the top 10 this week at #8. I'm just blown away by the response the book has received. two weeks in a NYT bestseller list? Just amazing. You guys are fantastic. And, trust me, Frostbite is going to look even better =^_^=
Thank you, thank you, thank you. xx

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